Browsing by Author Gatt, Albert

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Showing results 1 to 20 of 113  next >
Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)
2023The 2023 WebNLG shared task on low resource languages. Overview and evaluation results (WebNLG 2023)Cripwell, Liam; Belz, Anya; Gardent, Claire; Gatt, Albert; Borg, Claudia; Borg, Marthese; Judge, John; Lorandi, Michela; Nikiforovskaya, Anna; Soto-Martinez, William
2021Analysis of data augmentation methods for low-resource Maltese ASRDeMarco, Andrea; Mena, Carlos; Gatt, Albert; Borg, Claudia; Williams, Aiden; van der Plas, Lonneke
2020Annotating for hate speech : the MaNeCo corpus and some input from critical discourse analysisAssimakopoulos, Stavros; Vella Muskat, Rebecca; van der Plas, Lonneke; Gatt, Albert
2003Annotating textual and speech data in MalteseGatt, Albert; Vella, Alexandra; Caruana, Joe
2012Are all Semitic languages immune to letter transpositions? The case of MaltesePerea, Manuel; Gatt, Albert; Moret-Tatay, Carmen; Fabri, Ray
2013Are we Bayesian referring expression generatorsGatt, Albert; van Gompel, Roger P. G.; van Deemter, Kees; Krahmer, Emiel
2012Assessing the incremental algorithm : a response to Krahmer et alvan Deemter, Kees; Gatt, Albert; van der Sluis, Ielka; Power, Richard
2011Attribute preference and priming in reference production : experimental evidence and computational modelingGatt, Albert; Goudbeek, Martijn; Krahmer, Emiel
2007The attribute selection for GRE challenge : overview and evaluation resultsBelz, Anja; Gatt, Albert
2008Attribute selection for referring expression generation : new algorithms and evaluation methodsGatt, Albert; Belz, Anja
2020Automatic detection and classification of head movements in face-to-face conversationsPaggio, Patrizia; Gatt, Albert; Klinge, Roman
2012Automatic generation of natural language nursing shift summaries in neonatal intensive care : BT-NurseHunter, James; Freer, Yvonne; Gatt, Albert; Reiter, Ehud; Sripada, Somayajulu; Sykes, Cindy
2009Automatic generation of textual summaries from neonatal intensive care dataPortet, Francois; Reiter, Ehud; Gatt, Albert; Hunter, Jim; Sripada, Somayajulu; Freer, Yvonne; Sykes, Cindy
2020-12Automatic removal of identifying information in official EU languages for public administrations : the MAPA ProjectGianola, Lucie; Ajausks, Eriks; Arranz, Victoria; Bendahman, Chomicha; Bié, Laurent; Borg, Claudia; Cerdà, Aleix; Choukri, Khalid; Cuadros, Montse; de Gibert, Ona; Degroote, Hans; Edelman, Elena; Etchegoyhen, Thierry; Franco Torres, Ángela; García de Hernández, Mercedes; García-Pablos, Aitor; Gatt, Albert; Grouin, Cyril; Herranz, Manuel; Kohan, Alejandro; Lavergne, Thomas; Melero, Maite; Paroubek, Patrick; Rigault, Mickaël; Rosner, Michael; Rozis, Roberts; van der Plas, Lonneke; Viksna, Rinalds; Zweigenbaum, Pierre
2009Beyond DICE : measuring the quality of a referring expressionvan Deemter, Kees; Gatt, Albert
2022Bitcoin price change and trend prediction through twitter sentiment and data volumeVella Critien, Jacques; Gatt, Albert; Ellul, Joshua
2017Borrowed affixes and morphological productivity : a case study of two Maltese nominalisationsGatt, Albert; Fabri, Ray
2011BT-Nurse : computer generation of natural language shift summaries from complex heterogeneous medical dataHunter, James; Freer, Yvonne; Gatt, Albert; Reiter, Ehud; Sripada, Somayajulu; Sykes, Cindy; Westwater, Dave
2006Building a semantically transparent corpus for the generation of referring expressionsvan Deemter, Kees; van der Sluis, Ielka; Gatt, Albert
2006Conceptual coherence in the generation of referring expressionsGatt, Albert; van Deemter, Kees