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Title: Konkors bejn il-kumpaniji filodrammatici Maltin b'xoghlijiet b'att wiehed (Theatre programme)
Other Titles: Konkors bejn il-kumpaniji filodrammatiċi Maltin b'xogħlijiet b'att wieħed
Authors: Manoel Theatre
Authors: Muscat Azzopardi, Ġino
Borg, Joseph P.
Scicluna, Eddie
Piazza, Ugo
Aquilina, Carmel S.
Born, H.
Camilleri, Mary C.
Abela Mizzi, Charles
Calleja, Ludoviku
Azzopardi, Mario
Urso, Armando
Ganado, Philip Leone
Riolo, Vanni
Diacono, Ġużè
Camilleri, Joseph
Mintoff, Dijonisju
Soler, J.
Debono, Alfred
Gatt, Joe
Navarro, Johnnie
Magro, Robert J.
Keywords: Manoel Theatre (Valletta, Malta)
Theater programs -- Malta -- 20th century
Contests -- Malta -- 20th century
Muscat Azzopardi, Ġino, 1899-1982. Works. Selections
Aquilina, Carmel S., 1946-2020. Imbagħed kollox paċi
Urso, Armando, 1918-1976. Sibtha 'l-mammy, sur Ġakkin
Camilleri, Mary C., 1901-1999. Hekk jew m'hux hekk
Diacono, Ġużè, 1912-2002. Salib ħaddieħor
Abela Mizzi, Charles, 1934-2015. Senduq
Navarro, Johnny, 1912-1997. Liema?
Azzopardi, Mario, 1944-2022. Ħobżna ta' kuljum
Issue Date: 1973
Citation: Abela Mizzi, C., Aquilina, C. S., Azzopardi, M., Borg, J. P., Born, H., Calleja, L.,... Urso, A. (Directors). (1973). Konkors bejn il-kumpaniji filodrammatici Maltin b'xoghlijiet b'att wiehed by Ġino Muscat Azzopardi, Eddie Scicluna, Ugo Piazza, H. Born, Ludovik Calleja, Mario Azzopardi, Philip Leone Ganado, Ġużè Diacono, Dionisju Mintoff, J. Soler, Pawlu Sammut, and Joe Gatt, [Programme]. Manoel Theatre, Valletta.
Abstract: Manoel Theatre presents the programme for the Maltese play contest for 1-act plays held between several Maltese dramatic companies. The Companies and plays included in this event were the following: Narbona Variety Company (with "Aqwa mil-Liġi"); Ħamrun Dramatic Company (with "M'inix Miġnun"); Kumpanija Dwal Ġodda (with "Imbagħad Kollox Paċi"); Malta Theatrical Company (with "Hekk jew M'hux Hekk"); Fergħa Drammatika Tal-Malti (with "Is-Senduq"); Kumpanija Shining Stars (with "Ħajja u Ħajja"); Kumpanija Żagħżagħ Ferħana (with "Ħobżna ta' Kuljum"); Kumpanija Indipendenza (with "Sibtha 'l-Mammy, Sur Ġakkin"); L-Għaqda Letterarju "Il-Palk Malti" (with "Il-Masġar"); Kumpanija Filodrammatika "Anici" (with "Salin Ħaddieħor"); Kumpanija Lucky Star (with "Xhieda Qarrieqa"); Kumpanija Filodrammatika C.P.A.R (with "Għal Għomru"); Sleama Dramatic Company (with "Wiċċ B'Ieħor"); and Mosta Dramatic Company (with "Il-Kastig"). The event also involved a performance of the play "Liema?", written by Ġino Muscat Azzopardi, directed by Johnnie Navarro, and performed by people from all the featured drama companies. The series of performances were held from the 16th of January till the 4th of February, 1973, at the Manoel Theatre, in Valletta.
Description: Two programmes included, one with performers'/crews' signatures and one without. Both programmes include lists of casts for all featured plays, list of Manoel Theatre Management Committee, list of commission members appointed for management of the contest, and picture of Manoel theatre's booking plan. Programme is given no. 425 in archival records. Retrieved from the Manoel theatre records.
Appears in Collections:Season 1972/73 Programmes - SchPATMP

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(1973) Konkors Programme v1 (425).pdfWith signatures7.38 MBAdobe PDFView/Open
(1973) Konkors Programme v2 (425).pdfWithout signatures6.79 MBAdobe PDFView/Open

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