Centre for Labour Studies Community home page Statistics

The Centre for Labour Studies (CLS) is an independent, educational, documentation and research centre at the University of Malta which aims to: strengthen the University's link with working persons, employers and the world of work at large; and promote social dialogue, active involvement and the effective participation of workers, and their representatives, in specific workplaces and in labour policy more generally. In pursuance of the two-pronged aim of its mission, the Centre for Labour Studies seeks to: establish healthy working partnerships and promote synergies between academics, government, trade unions, employers and other actors from civil society involved in the field of labour relations, organise educational programmes aimed at sensitizing people actively involved or interested in labour issues to current trends, relevant concepts and analytical tools pertinent in this area, act as national monitoring agency and clearing house for trends and developments occurring in employment and industrial relations carry out research, consultancy and disseminate information on issues related to industrial and employee relations in Malta and abroad.
