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Results 1-10 of 53 (Search time: 0.227 seconds).
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Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)
2016The application of generic CAD/CAM systems for the design and manufacture of foot orthosesGatt, Alfred; Formosa, Cynthia; Chockalingam, Nachiappan
2012The importance of diabetes foot care education in a primary care settingFormosa, Cynthia; Gatt, Alfred; Chockalingam, Nachiappan
2013The importance of clinical biomechanical assessment of foot deformity and joint mobility in people living with type-2 diabetes within a primary care settingFormosa, Cynthia; Gatt, Alfred; Chockalingam, Nachiappan
2012Diabetic foot complications in Malta : prevalence of risk factorsFormosa, Cynthia; Gatt, Alfred; Chockalingam, Nachiappan
2014Determinants of job satisfaction in different podiatric clinical settingsFormosa, Cynthia; Caruana, David; Chockalingam, Nachiappan
2012Screening for peripheral vascular disease in patients with type 2 diabetes in Malta in a primary care settingFormosa, Cynthia; Gatt, Alfred; Chockalingam, Nachiappan
2014Investigation of plantar pressures in overweight and non-overweight children with a neutral foot postureGatt, Alfred; Spiteri, Malise; Formosa, Cynthia; Chockalingam, Nachiappan
2016The applicability of plantar padding in reducing peak plantar pressure in the forefeet of healthy adultsGatt, Alfred; Briffa, Andrea; Chockalingam, Nachiappan; Formosa, Cynthia
2013Hidden dangers revealed by misdiagnosed peripheral arterial disease using ABPI measurementFormosa, Cynthia; Cassar, Kevin; Gatt, Alfred; Mizzi, Anabelle; Mizzi, Stephen; Camilleri, Kenneth P.; Azzopardi, Carl; DeRaffaele, Clifford; Falzon, Owen; Cristina, Stefania; Chockalingam, Nachiappan
2020-07Evaluation of the levels of physical activity amongst primary school children in MaltaFenech, Amanda; Chockalingam, Nachiappan; Formosa, Cynthia; Gatt, Alfred