Centre for Resilience and Socio-Emotional Health Community home page Statistics

Our Centre has been set up to conduct local and international research in the area of resilience and social and emotional health amongst children and young people. It has developed from a number of local and European initiatives carried out in this area by our University in collaboration with other local and international institutions over the past few years. Besides undertaking and publishing research, the Centre also seeks to engage in development work in various educational, clinical and social settings, providing staff training, consultation, and policy development in this field. The Centre serves as a regional base for the European Network for Social and Emotional Competence (ENSEC), and although we are still young, we have established links with a number of research centres and universities working in this area both in Europe and in other parts of the world such as Australia, Canada and the USA. We look forward to continue building our collaboration with colleagues and research institutions, and would welcome collaborative initiatives in the promotion of resilience and socio-emotional health amongst children and young people.
