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Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)
2015Reconciling the discrepancies on the involvement of large-conductance Ca2+-activated K channels in glioblastoma cell migrationCatacuzzeno, Luigi; Caramia, Martino; Sforna, Luigi; Belia, Silvia; Guglielmi, Luca; D'Adamo, Maria Cristina; Pessia, Mauro; Franciolini, Fabio
2011The Kir5.1 potassium channel is an important determinant of neuronal PCO2/pH sensitivityD'Adamo, Maria Cristina; Shang, Lijun; Imbrici, Paola; Brown, Steve D. M.; Pessia, Mauro; Tucker, Stephen J.
2011Episodic ataxia type 1 mutations affect fast inactivation of K + channels by a reduction in either subunit surface expression or affinity for inactivation domainImbrici, Paola; D'Adamo, Maria Cristina; Grottesi, Alessandro; Biscarini, Andrea; Pessia, Mauro
2006Episodic ataxia type 1 mutations in the KCNA1 gene impair the fast inactivation properties of the human potassium channels Kv1.4-1.1/Kvβ1.1 and Kv1.4-1.1/Kvβ1.2Imbrici, Paola; D'Adamo, Maria Cristina; Kullmann, Dimitri M.; Pessia, Mauro
1998Episodic ataxia type-1 mutations in the hKv1.1 cytoplasmic pore region alter the gating properties of the channelD'Adamo, Maria Cristina; Liu, Zhaoping; Adelman, John P.; Maylie, James G.; Pessia, Mauro
2013The role of serotonergic system at the interface of aggression and suicideBortolato, Marco; Pivac, Nela; Muck-Seler, Dorotea; Nikolac Perkovic, Matea; Pessia, Mauro; Di Giovanni, Giuseppe
1999Localization and age-dependent expression of the inward rectifier K+ channel subunit Kir 5.1 in a mammalian reproductive systemSalvatore, Lorena; D'Adamo, Maria Cristina; Polishchuk, Roman S.; Salmona, Mario; Pessia, Mauro
2009Contributions of the central hydrophobic residue in the PXP motif of voltage-dependent K+ channels to S6 flexibility and gating propertiesImbrici, Paola; Grottesi, Alessandro; D'Adamo, Maria Cristina; Tucker, Stephen J.; Pessia, Mauro
2011Autism with seizures and intellectual disability : possible causative role of gain-of-function of the inwardly-rectifying K + channel Kir4.1Sicca, Federico; Imbrici, Paola; D'Adamo, Maria Cristina; Moro, Francesca; Bonatti, Fabrizia; Brovedani, Paola; Grottesi, Alessandro; Guerrini, Renzo; Masi, Gabriele; Santorelli, Filippo Maria; Pessia, Mauro
2019Dexamethasone in glioblastoma multiforme therapy : mechanisms and controversiesCenciarini, Marta; Valentino, Mario; Belia, Silvia; Sforna, Luigi; Rosa, Paolo; Ronchetti, Simona; D’Adamo, Maria Cristina; Pessia, Mauro