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Title: Imaging pyelonephritis : part 2
Authors: Vassallo, Pierre
Keywords: Pyelonephritis -- Imaging
Kidneys -- Diseases -- Diagnosis
Ultrasonic imaging
Issue Date: 2008-05
Publisher: Medical Portals Ltd.
Citation: Vassallo, P. (2008). Imaging pyelonephritis : part 2. The Synapse : the Medical Professionals' Network, 3, 1-23.
Abstract: The recommended protocol for CT evaluation of pyelonephritis (or any other CT pathology) includes a three phase examination starting with a non-contrast- enhanced scan, followed by an contrast-enhanced scan performed 50-90 seconds after contrast injection and a delayed scan performed about 5 minutes after injection. On unenhanced CT, regions of the kidney involved with pyelophritis may have lower density related to oedema and the kidney may be enlarged; less frequently, pockets of higher density may be present that are thought to represent hemorrhage. However, unenhanced CT may appear normal in pyelonephritis. Unenhanced CT is excellent for identifying urinary tract gas, calculi, hemorrhage and obstruction.
Appears in Collections:The Synapse, Issue 03/08
The Synapse, Issue 03/08

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