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Title: WASP : is open access publishing the way forward? A review of the different ways in which research papers can be published
Authors: Cuschieri, Sarah
Keywords: Publications
Open access publishing
Open educational resources
Open source software
Issue Date: 2018
Publisher: Elsevier Ireland Ltd
Citation: Cuschieri, S. (2018). WASP: is open access publishing the way forward? A review of the different ways in which research papers can be published. Early Human Development, 121, 54-57. doi:10.1016/j.earlhumdev.2018.02.017
Abstract: Academics have a duty towards peers and scholars alike to engage in research work and to publish their findings. This also assists in establishing personal academic success as well as the attainment of research grants. In the past, authors used to publish their research articles for free but access to these articles was restricted to subscription users only. Recently, open access publishing has gained momentum, whereby such articles are made freely accessible online. However open access publishing comes with a price tag for the author through article processing charges. Open access may also question a journal's credibility within the academic world if improperly implemented. This is particularly so following the unsolicited bombardment of researchers’ email accounts with invitations for submissions to predatory open access journals. For these reasons, authors needs to rigorously weigh the pros and cons of whether to choose a subscription based or an open access journal for publication.
Appears in Collections:Scholarly Works - FacM&SAna

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