SymMel, 2012, Volume 8 (Special Issue) Collection home page Statistics

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Collection's Items (Sorted by Submit Date in Descending order): 1 to 12 of 12
Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)
2012It-tentattiv tar-ridefinizzjoni tal-Jien f'Fl-isem tal-Missier (u tal-Iben) ta' Immanuel Mifsud : adattament ta' bixra dekostruzzjonistaBonanno, Stephen
2012From elite to subaltern : stages in the adoption of the English language in IndiaCowaloosur, Vedita
2012On the contribution of adaptation to originality in Thomas Mann's Doctor Faustus and the history of artDebono, Mark J.
2012Suarez resurgitur : adapting the early modern Jus Gentium in contemporary international jurisprudence : on the fourth centenary of' Francisco Suarez's De legibusDe Lucca, Jean-Paul
2012Papini e il Movimento Futurista : un breve sguardo al primo NovecentoMuscat, Arthur
2012The Hospitaller Commanderies in the Langue of Provence (1634 - 1754)Grech, Ramona
2012Reconfiguring the twenty first-century reader : an analysis of interpretation and performanceFenech, Giuliana
2012Adaptations in hospitaller historiography : an overviewPisani, Paul George
2012Editor's ForewordBugeja, Norbert
2012A strange way of loving : the Brontean sadistic heart of Jacques Rivette's HurleventSaliba, Sebastian
2012Decorated Great Siege armours for the Hospitaller Knights at the Palace Armoury Museum, VallettaNavarro, Franco
2012The common heritage of mankind : from the law of the sea to the human genome and cyberspaceButtigieg, Jean
Collection's Items (Sorted by Submit Date in Descending order): 1 to 12 of 12

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