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Title: Homosexuality models of moral reasoning & pastoral ministry
Authors: Schembri, Kevin
Keywords: Homosexuality
Pastoral care
Pastoral theology
Issue Date: 2009
Citation: Schembri, K. (2009). Homosexuality models of moral reasoning & pastoral ministry (Master’s dissertation).
Abstract: The dissertation explores different models of moral reasoning and pastoral ministry on homosexuality that are present within the contemporary Christian scenario. It opens by providing a general overview of diverse issues and perspectives that shape the current debate on homosexuality. The study then focuses on models of moral reasoning that evaluate this reality from these four perspectives: biblical revelation, traditional natural law, a revisited concept of nature, and personal circumstances of the individual. The diversity within these moral assessments gives rise to contrasting pastoral approaches to homosexual persons in the Christian community. Finally, the dissertation puts forward a proposal for a common and constructive way forward.
Description: S.TH.L.
Appears in Collections:Dissertations - FacThe - 1968-2010

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