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Results 1-10 of 38 (Search time: 0.013 seconds).
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Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)
2016Biochemical predictors of bone mineral density and fracture susceptibility : results from a Maltese studyXuereb-Anastasi, Angela; Formosa, Melissa Marie
2014Analysis of genetic polymorphisms in relation to bone mineral density and fracture risk in Maltese postmenopausal womenFormosa, Melissa Marie; Xuereb-Anastasi, Angela
2014Analysis of two functional polymorphisms in the LRP5 gene in relation to bone mineral density and fracture risk in Maltese postmenopausal womenFormosa, Melissa Marie; Xuereb-Anastasi, Angela
2016Analysis of the polyalanine repeat polymorphism in the RUNX2 gene in relation to bone mineral density and fracture risk in Maltese postmenopausal womenFormosa, Melissa Marie; Sladden, André J.; Scerri, Daniel; Xuereb-Anastasi, Angela
2015Biochemical predictors of bone mineral density and fracture susceptibility in Maltese postmenopausal womenFormosa, Melissa Marie; Xuereb-Anastasi, Angela
2017Analysis of the macrophage migration inhibitory factor (MIF) gene variants with bone mineral density and fracture risk in Maltese postmenopausal womenScerri, Daniel; Sladden, André J.; Formosa, Melissa Marie
2012Association of the A1330V polymorphism of the low-density lipoprotein receptor-related protein 5 gene with bone mineral density and fracture risk in Maltese postmenopausal womenFormosa, Melissa Marie; Xuereb-Anastasi, Angela
2019Variants within the ZNF384 and COL1A1 genes influence bone mineral density and fracture risk in Maltese postmenopausal womenFormosa, Melissa Marie; Schembri, Marichela; Lanzon, Justine; Xuereb-Anastasi, Angela
2015Variants in the RANK gene are associated with bone mineral density and fracture risk in Maltese postmenopausal womenFormosa, Melissa Marie; Xuereb-Anastasi, Angela
2015Mutations in the LRP4 and LRP5 genes are associated with bone mineral density in Maltese postmenopausal womenFormosa, Melissa Marie; Xuereb-Anastasi, Angela