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Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)
2022Rectal microbiota are coupled with altered cytokine production capacity following community-acquired pneumonia hospitalizationKullberg, Robert F.J.; Brands, Xanthe; Klarenbeek, Augustijn M.; Butler, Joe M.; Otto, Natasja A.; Faber, Daniël R.; Scicluna, Brendon P.; Poll, Tom van der; Joost Wiersinga, W.; Haak, Bastiaan W.
2022Intracellular pyruvate levels positively correlate with cytokine production capacity in tolerant monocytes from patients with pneumoniaOtto, Natasja A.; Butler, Joe M.; Schuurman, Alex R.; Brands, Xanthe; Haak, Bastiaan W.; Klarenbeek, Augustijn M.; Weeghel, Michel van; Houtkooper, Riekelt H.; Jakobs, Marja E.; Faber, Daniël R.; Vos, Alex F. de; Joost Wiersinga, W.; Scicluna, Brendon P.; Poll, Tom van der
2022Immune suppression is associated with enhanced systemic inflammatory, endothelial and procoagulant responses in critically ill patientsBrands, Xanthe; Uhel, Fabrice; Vught, Lonneke A. van; Wiewel, Maryse A.; Hoogendijk, Arie J.; Lutter, René; Schultz, Marcus J.; Scicluna, Brendon P.; Poll, Tom van der
2021The role of host cell DNA methylation in the immune response to bacterial infectionQin, Wanhai; Scicluna, Brendon P.; Poll, Tom van der
2018Are histones real pathogenic agents in sepsis?Poll, Tom van der; Veerdonk, Frank L. van de; Scicluna, Brendon P.; Netea, Mihai G.
2021Integrated single-cell analysis unveils diverging immune features of COVID-19, influenza, and other community-acquired pneumoniaSchuurman, Alex R.; Reijnders, Tom D. Y.; Saris, Anno; Ramirez Moral, Ivan; Schinkel, Michiel; Brabander, Justin de; Linge, Christine van; Vermeulen, Louis; Scicluna, Brendon P.; Joost Wiersinga, W.; Vieira Braga, Felipe A.; Poll, Tom van der
2016The gut microbiota plays a protective role in the host defence against pneumococcal pneumoniaSchuijt, Tim J.; Lankelma, Jacqueline M.; Scicluna, Brendon P.; Sousa e Melo, Felipe de; Roelofs, Joris J. T. H.; Boer, J. Daan de; Hoogendijk, Arjan J.; Beer, Regina de; Vos, Alex F. de; Belzer, Clara; Vos, Willem M. de; Poll, Tom van der; Joost Wiersinga, W.
2021Flagellin induces innate immune genes in bronchial epithelial cells in vivo : role of TET2Qin, Wanhai; Brands, Xanthe; Veer, Cornelis Van't; Vos, Alex F. de; Scicluna, Brendon P.; Poll, Tom van der
2020Concurrent immune suppression and hyperinflammation in patients with community-acquired pneumoniaBrands, Xanthe; Haak, Bastiaan W.; Klarenbeek, Augustijn M.; Otto, Natasja A.; Faber, Daniël R.; Lutter, René; Scicluna, Brendon P.; Joost Wiersinga, W.; Poll, Tom van der
2021Role of myeloid Tet methylcytosine dioxygenase 2 in pulmonary and peritoneal inflammation induced by lipopolysaccharide and peritonitis induced by Escherichia coliQin, Wanhai; Brands, Xanthe; Matsumoto, Hisatake; Butler, Joe M.; Veer, Cornelis Van't; Vos, Alex F. de; Roelofs, Joris J. T. H.; Scicluna, Brendon P.; Poll, Tom van der