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Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)
2021Plasma ferritin as marker of macrophage activation-like syndrome in critically ill patients with community-acquired pneumoniaBrands, Xanthe; Vries, Floris M. C. de; Uhel, Fabrice; Haak, Bastiaan W.; Peters-Sengers, Hessel; Schuurman, Alex R.; Engelen, Tjitske S.R. van; Lutter, René; Cremer, Olaf L.; Bonten, Marc M.J.; Schultz, Marcus J.; Scicluna, Brendon P.; Poll, Tom van der; MARS Consortium
2016Broad defects in the energy metabolism of leukocytes underlie immunoparalysis in sepsisCheng, Shih-Chin; Scicluna, Brendon P.; Arts, Rob J.W.; Gresnigt, Mark S.; Lachmandas, Ekta; Giamarellos-Bourboulis, Evangelos J.; Kox, Matthijs; Manjeri, Ganesh R.; Wagenaars, Jori A. L.; Cremer, Olaf L.; Leentjens, Jenneke; Meer, Anne-Jan van der; Veerdonk, Frank L. van de; Bonten, Marc M.J.; Schultz, Marcus J.; Willems, Peter H. G. M.; Pickkers, Peter; Joosten, Leo A.B.; Poll, Tom van der; Netea, Mihai G.
2021Consumptive coagulopathy is associated with a disturbed host response in patients with sepsisVught, Lonneke A. van; Uhel, Fabrice; Ding, Chao; Veer, Cees Van't; Scicluna, Brendon P.; Peters-Sengers, Hessel; Klein Klouwenberg, Peter M.C.; Nürnberg, Peter; Cremer, Olaf L.; Schultz, Marcus J.; Poll, Tom van der; MARS Consortium
2022Blood leukocyte transcriptomes in Gram-positive and Gram-negative community-acquired pneumoniaPereverzeva, Liza; Uhel, Fabrice; Peters-Sengers, Hessel; Butler, Joe M.; Vught, Lonneke A. van; Burnham, Katie L.; Davenport, Emma E.; Knight, Julian C.; Cremer, Olaf L.; Schultz, Marcus J.; Bonten, Marc M.J.; Scicluna, Brendon P.; Poll, Tom van der; MARS Consortium
2017Association of gender with outcome and host response in critically ill sepsis patientsVught, Lonneke A. van; Scicluna, Brendon P.; Wiewel, Maryse A.; Hoogendijk, Arie J.; Klein Klouwenberg, Peter M.C.; Ong, David S.Y.; Cremer, Olaf L.; Horn, Janneke; Franitza, Marek; Toliat, Mohammad Reza; Nürnberg, Peter; Bonten, Marc M.J.; Schultz, Marcus J.; Poll, Tom van der; MARS Consortium
2019Understanding heterogeneity in biologic phenotypes of acute respiratory distress syndrome by leukocyte expression profilesBos, Lieuwe D. J.; Scicluna, Brendon P.; Ong, David S.Y.; Cremer, Olaf L.; Poll, Tom van der; Schultz, Marcus J.
2016Association of diabetes and diabetes treatment with the host response in critically ill sepsis patientsVught, Lonneke A. van; Scicluna, Brendon P.; Hoogendijk, Arie J.; Wiewel, Maryse A.; Klein Klouwenberg, Peter M.C.; Cremer, Olaf L.; Horn, Janneke; Nürnberg, Peter; Bonten, Marc M.J.; Schultz, Marcus J.; Poll, Tom van der
2016Reply : FAIM3:PLAC8 ratio compared with existing biomarkers for diagnosis of severe community-acquired pneumonia: comparing apples to oranges?Scicluna, Brendon P.; Vught, Lonneke A. van; Poll, Tom van der; Klein Klouwenberg, Peter M.C.; Cremer, Olaf L.
2017The host response in patients with sepsis developing intensive care unit–acquired secondary infectionsVught, Lonneke A. van; Wiewel, Maryse A.; Hoogendijk, Arie J.; Frencken, Jos F.; Scicluna, Brendon P.; Klein Klouwenberg, Peter M.C.; Zwinderman, Aeilko H.; Lutter, René; Horn, Janneke; Schultz, Marcus J.; Bonten, Marc M.J.; Cremer, Olaf L.; Poll, Tom van der
2020The leukocyte non-coding RNA landscape in critically ill patients with sepsisScicluna, Brendon P.; Uhel, Fabrice; Vught, Lonneke A. van; Wiewel, Maryse A.; Hoogendijk, Arie J.; Baessman, Ingelore; Franitza, Marek; Nürnberg, Peter; Horn, Janneke; Cremer, Olaf L.; Bonten, Marc M.J.; Schultz, Marcus J.; Poll, Tom van der; Molecular Diagnosis and Risk Stratification of Sepsis (MARS) Consortium