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Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)
2016Association of diabetes and diabetes treatment with the host response in critically ill sepsis patientsVught, Lonneke A. van; Scicluna, Brendon P.; Hoogendijk, Arie J.; Wiewel, Maryse A.; Klein Klouwenberg, Peter M.C.; Cremer, Olaf L.; Horn, Janneke; Nürnberg, Peter; Bonten, Marc M.J.; Schultz, Marcus J.; Poll, Tom van der
2016Admission hyperglycemia in critically ill sepsis patients : association with outcome and host responseVught, Lonneke A. van; Wiewel, Maryse A.; Klein Klouwenberg, Peter M.C.; Hoogendijk, Arie J.; Scicluna, Brendon P.; Ong, David S.Y.; Cremer, Olaf L.; Horn, Janneke; Bonten, Marc M.J.; Schultz, Marcus J.; Poll, Tom van der; Molecular Diagnosis and Risk Stratification of Sepsis (MARS) Consortium
2021Biological subphenotypes of acute respiratory distress syndrome show prognostic enrichment in mechanically ventilated patients without acute respiratory distress syndromeHeijnen, Nanon F. L.; Hagens, Laura A.; Smit, Marry R.; Cremer, Olaf L.; Ong, David S.Y.; Poll, Tom van der; Vught, Lonneke A. van; Scicluna, Brendon P.; Schnabel, Ronny M.; Horst, Iwan C. C. van der; Schultz, Marcus J.; Bergmans, Dennis C. J. J.; Bos, Lieuwe D. J.
2021Biological subphenotypes of ARDS show prognostic enrichment in mechanically ventilated patients without ARDSHeijnen, Nanon F. L.; Hagens, Laura A.; Smit, Marry R.; Cremer, Olaf L.; Ong, David S.Y.; Poll, Tom van der; Vught, Lonneke A. van; Scicluna, Brendon P.; Schnabel, Ronny M.; Horst, Iwan C. C. van der; Schultz, Marcus J.; Bergmans, Dennis C. J. J.; Bos, Lieuwe D. J.