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Results 31-40 of 41 (Search time: 0.024 seconds).
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Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)
2020Analysis of online news coverage on earthquakes through text miningCamilleri, Stephen; R. Agius, Matthew; Azzopardi, Joel
2019Intelligent aggregation and adaptive visualization : a digital health case studyAttard, Conrad; Vella, Kim; Azzopardi, Joel
2017Integration of an automatic recommendation component into a digital library of Phd dissertations from the university of Novi SadDragan, Ivanović; Azzopardi, Joel
2016Which is the best predictor of sea temperature : satellite, model or data logger values? A case study from the Maltese Islands (Central Mediterranean)Deidun, Alan; Gauci, Adam; Azzopardi, Joel; Cutajar, Denis; Farrugia, Hazel; Drago, Aldo
2010Applying the MyOcean MCS to the benefit of national users in MaltaDrago, Aldo; Azzopardi, Joel; Gauci, Adam; Galea, Anthony; Tarasova, Raisa
2011A first attempt at testing correlation between MODIS ocean colour data and in situ chlorophyll-a measurements within Maltese coastal watersDeidun, Alan; Drago, Aldo; Gauci, Adam; Galea, Anthony; Azzopardi, Joel; Melin, F.
2023From event tracking to event modelling : understanding as a paradigm shiftMamo, Nicholas; Layfield, Colin; Azzopardi, Joel
2023-04-05The myth of reproducibility : a review of event tracking evaluations on TwitterMamo, Nicholas; Azzopardi, Joel; Layfield, Colin
2022URECA – the research ethics and data protection online review platform used by the University of MaltaAzzopardi, Joel
2014Linking, mining and visualising large textual datasets : the PQ use caseAbela, Charlie; Azzopardi, Joel; Rosner, Michael