Il-Professur Alan Deidun se jkun qed jagħti taħdita informali lill-istudenti dwar kif bdiet l-istorja tiegħu mal-oċean: mill-bank tal-iskola meta kien student il-Junior College sal-lum. Se jaqsam magħna l-isfidi li jiltaqa’ magħhom fix-xogħol tiegħu imma anke l-aspetti sbieħ li jagħtuh sodisfazzjon. F’din it-taħdita , Prof. Deidun jittama li jqanqal il-kurżità tal-istudenti dwar ix-xjenza marittima, iħeġġiġhom jikkunsidraw karrieri f’dan is-settur u jesploraw modi innovattivi ta’ kif jindirizzaw l-interessi tagħhom.
Marine sciences. How can we relate? A talk by Prof. Alan Deidun
Professor Alan Deidun will be delivering an engaging informal talk aimed at inspiring students with his journey of discovering a passion for the ocean. From his early days as a student at Junior College to his current achievments, he will share personal experiences, including the challenges he has faced and the rewarding aspects of working in this field. Through his insights, Professor Deidun hopes to encourage students to deepen their konwoledge of marine sciences, consider careers in the sector, and explore innovative ways to channel their own interests into meaningful pursuits.