On the occasion of Malta’s award as World’s Capital of women and girls in science, Dr Lourdes Farrugia coordinated a meeting with the delegation from the Royal Academy of Science International Trust (RASIT). The meeting was held on Wednesday, 19 April 2023 at the Ministry of Foreign and European Affairs and Trade and academics from the University of Malta together with officials from the Ministry of Foreign and European Affairs and Trade and Ministry of education, Sport, Youth and Research and Innovation presented an overview of the current situation in Malta in relation to Women in STEM.
Mr Jude Zammit, Director General, Department of Curriculum, lifelong learning and employability from the Ministry of Education, presented Malta’s progress through international studies. He highlighted the increasing trends in achievement in Science amongst students in primary schools. This was observed when comparing data from 2011 and 2019 (TIMSS 2019). On the other hand, the results from the Programme for International Student Assessment (PISA) which reflect data from the end of secondary school students will be published later this year.
This was followed by a presentation given by Prof. Carmen Sammut, pro-rector for student and staff affairs and outreach and chair of equity committee at the University of Malta. She highlighted the work through this committee and the new Gender+ Equity plan. Prof. Sammut outlined the gender differences across all faculties, highlighting the discrepancies between gender at undergraduate and even more significantly at doctoral level. The delegation highly commented on the approach of having an equity plan that also addresses under representation of males in certain areas.
Dr Josette Farrugia, senior lecturer at the Department of Mathematics and Science Education, presented data related to girls taking up STEM subjects at SEC and Matriculation level. Data shows that when considering option subjects, girls are still underrepresented in Computing, IT, Design & Technology and Engineering Technology at SEC level and in Pure Mathematics, Physics, Computing and IT at A-level. Dr Farrugia also detailed the work done in the GEM project and the Girls4STEM summer camp. The impact which this camp had on girls participating is remarkable with students showing an improved attitude towards Science after attending the camp.
During the meeting an overview of the several efforts in Science, Technology, Engineering, Arts and Mathematics (STEAM) communication was also given by Ms Danielle Martine Farrugia, Senior Executive of science engagement within the Marketing Communications and Alumni office at UM. Danielle presented some of the results from a questionnaire given to students at the Unconventional Science Careers open day held in December 2022. The majority of female participants from this questionnaire feel neutral (32.7%) about entering a STEM career at this stage, while the percentage of males feeling neutral about STEM careers was 23.3%.
In conclusion, Dr Lourdes Farrugia presented a provisional calendar of events in celebration of Malta’s award as World Capital of women and girls in Science for the inaugural year 2023 – 2024 by the Royal Academy for Science International Trust (RASIT). This is a global initiative that is offered under the auspices of RASIT to promote equity, diversity, and inclusion in all fields of science and place these issues at the heart of the world’s attention for a yearlong celebration. Consultations are ongoing between the University, Ministry of Foreign and European Affairs and Trade and Ministry of Education, Sport, Youth and Research and Innovation, to organise these events.