- Group Photo, showing the participants during the meeting including industry representatives and the academics.
- Tech sector forum. The Rector and (from left to right, Prof. Carl James Debono Dean Faculty of ICT, Dr Joe Schembri, Prof. Valerie Sollars, Pro-Rector for Strategic Planning and Sustainability, and Prof. Andrew Sammut, Dean Faculty of Engineering.
The University of Malta hosted the third forum in its ongoing series of engagements with industry sectors on Wednesday 29 January, focusing on the Technology Services sector. During the two-hour meeting, chaired by the Rector, industry representatives emphasized the evolving demand for skilled professionals in software development, systems engineering, and iGaming. They also commended the high calibre of the University's graduates in ICT, Engineering, and Management disciplines.
The technology sector today accounts for around 10% of Gross Value Added in the Maltese economy and employs around 10,000 professionals between software and systems engineers, developers, and a host of other roles. As the industry expands and continues to be of service to clients outside of Malta, its need for professionals who can develop, support but also manage systems grows. The representatives of the technology industry highlighted the general shortage of talent in Malta, and the varied skills that people involved in the industry require today, including transversal skills such as communication, teamwork, and critical thinking.
Presentations were done by representatives of Tech.MT as well as Gaming Malta. The Deans of the faculties of Engineering and ICT presented the work of the respective faculties including both teaching and research. These Industry Fora, in line with the University of Malta’s Strategic Theme IV – Enterprise and Industry Impact, seek to develop synergies between academia and industry players from key economic sectors as explained during the meeting by Prof. Valerie Sollars, Pro-Rector for Strategic Planning and Sustainability.
Dr Joe Schembri, a resident-academic at the Faculty of Economics, Management & Accountancy is assisting the UM Strategic Committee in planning and organising these fora.