How long has it been since you graduated from the University of Malta (UM)?
Three, five, ten years ago? Maybe more?
Alumni play an important role in the life of the University of Malta, contributing to our achievements and ensuring we continue to be known as the leading higher education institution in Malta.
As a previous student of the University of Malta, you automatically became a member of the University of Malta Alumni Community upon graduating and some of your personal data would have been transferred from your student record to the alumni database which is managed by the Marketing, Communications & Alumni Office at UM.
One of the Marketing, Communications & Alumni Office's aims is to keep our alumni informed with regard to the University's work and activities by emailing newsletters, updates, publications and invitations to events.
If you would like to subscribe to our mailing list, all you need to do is click on the button below:
In every email sent, you will be given the option to unsubscribe from this mailing list any point in time.
This is also a reminder that you can follow the University of Malta on LinkedIn which boasts a network of over 60,000 followers and is a great resource for networking and staying in touch with people who have an interest in the University