Taylor & Francis has introduced a new enhanced eReader, offering improved reading and research experience.
For more information, visit the FAQ page: New eReader FAQ.
Key Features of the New eReader:
- Support for ePubs, the most accessible eBook format.
- âRead aloudâ functionality and adjustable font sizes and styles.
- Tools for personalisation, including bookmarks, notes, and highlighting.
- Enhanced search capabilities and offline access.
- Integration with reference management software to assist your studies.
- Select the âDownloadâ option on any eBook or chapter on the Taylor & Francis platform.
- The âRead Onlineâ button will continue to open the older version of the eReader, which will remain available until 16 February 2025.
- Your current username and password credentials will remain valid for the platform. Logging in with these credentials gives you access to both eReaders and enables the use of personalisation features.
- If you do not have an account on the Taylor & Francis platform, please proceed to create one.
For more information, visit the FAQ page: New eReader FAQ.