Proceedings of Conference on Educational Assessment The Ministry of Education and the University of Malta hosted the biennial conference of the Association of Commonwealth Examination and Accreditation
Bodies (ACEAB) in Malta in March 2002.  The ACEAB was set up in 1998 with the main aim of providing a forum for exchange of information and views on
examinations and accreditation.  The MATSEC Examinations Board of Malta was one of the founding members and currently Dr Grace Grima, th Board's
Principal Research and Development Officer is on the ACEAB's Executive Committee. There were over 150 participants at this conference and a substantial
number of local participants from the Education Division and the University of Malta.

Professor Frank Ventura and Dr Grace Grima have edited the proceedings of this important conference which includes twenty seven papers from both local
and international speakers. Anyone interested in viewing this publication is invited to contact Dr Grima by email: