My secondment at Green by Web was related to Task 3.4 (Static verification of b-APIs consumers) in WP3. We’ve addressed the problem of statically verifying systems of concurrent processes where

During the secondment I gained familiarity with the processes, problems, and technologies involved in Freeland’s work. They develop ah hoc products for their customers, plus a few off-the shelf products

Xibis develops web and mobile applications for several application domains, ranging from retail, healthcare, transport and the public sector. Xibis collaborates in activities concerning the developing algorithmic traceability mechanisms between

The aim of the visit was to work towards completion of task T2.7 on “Inferring behavioural descriptions for b-APIs (O2.3)”. During this visit, initial discussions took place with António Ravara

Related to “UBA, UKENT, UOM, IXR, and ULEIC will apply synthesis algorithms to adaptability”. The secondment focused on the exploration of discrete event controller synthesis to support systems to adapt

This collaboration is part of the WP3 and WP4. It focused on exploring static (T.3.3) and dynamic analysis techniques in the context of mobile applications. Particularly, we started developing a

Related to “UBA, ULEIC, and AAU will adapt algorithms for synthesising choreographies that take into account rely-guarantee contracts and use synthesis techniques for refinement of specifications from composite models.” We

The activities focused on the organisation of the first school and  activities on WP2. More specifically, we worked on the design, collection  and summarisation of the data reported in the