University of Leicester has world-leading researchers in logical, algebraic, and co-algebraic techniques for specification, synthesis, behavioural types, semantic web, graph transformation, software re-engineering and testing of software-intensive systems. Collaborations between

Automata models are well-established in many areas of computer science and are supported by a wealth of theoretical results including a wide range of algorithms and techniques to specify and

Continuous Integration (CI) is a widely used software development methodology advocating for the immediate integration of changes to code builds. One solution to the development bottlenecks resulting from frequent builds

Pomsets are a model of concurrent computations introduced by Pratt. We adopt pomsets as a syntax-oblivious specification model of distributed systems where coordination happens via asynchronous message-passing. In this paper,

Choreographies specify multiparty interactions via message passing. A \emph{realization} of a choreography is a composition of independent processes that behave as specified by the choreography. Existing relations of correctness/completeness between

We propose Klaim as a suitable base for a novel choreographic framework. More precisely we advocate Klaim as a suitable language onto which to project data-driven global specifications based on distributed tuple