During this secondment I worked with Dr Antonio Ravara and Dr Hernan Melgratti in application of behavioural description to the static analysis of Smart Contracts.  To do so, we deeply

During this secondment we worked on the usage of behavioural descriptions for the static analysis of smart contracts. The goal is to combine the tools and techniques previously developed by

During my secondment at ITU, we explored different extensions of my previous work of  Dynamic Reconfiguration of Business Processes. More in detail, business processes, which are behavioural representations of organization’s

We have worked on the development of techniques for the verification of APIs of data implemented on top of eventual consistent data stores. In particular, we addressed the verification of

We addressed the problem of integrating behavioural types to reason about properties of applications running on Actyx platform. In particular, we developed a formal model for the Actyx platform. The

Related to “UBA, UKENT, UOM, IXR, and ULEIC will apply synthesis algorithms to adaptability”. The secondment focused on the exploration of discrete event controller synthesis to support systems to adapt

This collaboration is part of the WP3 and WP4. It focused on exploring static (T.3.3) and dynamic analysis techniques in the context of mobile applications. Particularly, we started developing a

Related to “UBA, ULEIC, and AAU will adapt algorithms for synthesising choreographies that take into account rely-guarantee contracts and use synthesis techniques for refinement of specifications from composite models.” We