
An elearning course, consisting of four lectures on topics related to injection moulding and results stemming from this project, was generated.

The course is not intended for university students but for novice and experienced tool makers, tool designers, plastic part designers and other relevant stakeholders in industry. The course is organised as follows:

Lecture 1
Introduction to Injection Moulding and Mould Tools, where the expected learning outcomes are: to understand the benefits of injection moulding, to identify the basic features of a mould and injection moulding machine, to know the stages of an injection moulding cycle and be able to identify different mould types and their use.

Lecture 2
Introduction to Thermoplastic Materials, Mould Tool Features, Process Parameters & Quality Criteria where the expected learning outcomes are to understand the basic characteristics of thermoplastic materials, to identify different runner cross sections and layouts and their use, to identify different gate types and their use, to understand the effects of the process parameters on the quality of an injection moulded part and to appreciate the importance of quality criteria in injection moulding.

Lecture 3
Micro Injection Moulding where the expected learning outcomes are to understand the fundamental differences between micro and macro injection moulding in terms of technology and processing, to understand the nature and significance of quality criteria in micro injection moulding and to understand the advantages of using different materials in micro injection moulding.

Lecture 4
Multi-material micro injection moulding where the expected learning outcomes are to identify and understand the different types of process variants of multi material injection moulding, to understand the benefits of the process, to be able to identify product types which can be fabricated using multi material injection moulding and to understand how simulation technologies can help engineering designers in designing parts for multi material injection moulding.

Take the opportunity to fortify your knowledge on the subject by learning specific topics related to multi-material micro injection moulding, available in this e-learning course.
Participation is subject to a fee.

Need to know more?
Contact us for further info.
