Cumulative Vote Transfers, By Party (National Aggregates)

The tabulations here show the share of transfer votes going from each party to candidates of either the same party or another party or to non-transferable status. These are cumulative results for the country as a whole.

One limitation in these tabulations should be noted here: A small percentage of vote transfers is not included, namely, those where candidates of different parties were eliminated on the same count. This is because in such an event (where x number of votes from one party's candidate and y number of votes from another party's candidate are simultaneously transferred) it is not possible to determine which votes from a particular candidate were distributed to the candidates receiving the transferred votes. While these cases are not included here, they are part of the tabulation of individual candidate's vote transfers.

The data are separated into two distinct categories:

  1. vote transfers when at least one other candidate of the same party [XLS] was eligible to receive transfer votes; and
  2. vote transfers when no other candidate of the same party [XLS] was eligible to receive transfer votes.

The distinction between these two categories can be crucial in an analysis of voter choices. For an example of this see the article entitled Are Maltese Party Loyalties Waning? [PDF].