Attitude Control of Pico-Satellite with Reaction Wheels

Project: UoMBSat1 - B.Eng. Final Year Project
Supervisor: Prof. Ing. Simon Fabri
Status: Completed Phase 1
Funding: Research Group
Student: Denise Baldacchino
Co-Supervisor: Dr Ing. Marvin Bugeja 
Advisor: Dr Ing. Marc A. Azzopardi
Date: 2016 - 2017

This project contributes to the pico-satellite platform being developed by the astrionics research group at the University of Malta. It will focus on the design and implementation of an attitude control system using three reaction wheels used to regulate the 'pointing direction' of the satellite in 3D space. The satellite's attitude is controlled to the desired orientation and corrected for any disturbances through appropriate sensors and closed loop control of the angular momentum of the spinning flywheels. Various algorithms are being validated though simulation and by taking into account high fidelity disturbance models that estimate the conditions experienced by the pico-satellite in low earth orbit.