Marine Geomorphometry and Habitat Mapping

Marine Geomorphometry and Habitat Mapping

  1. Development of a multi-method habitat mapping technique: We developed an innovative semi-automated, GIS-based methodology to map the distribution of seafloor habitats on continental shelves using seafloor data. The method comprises an efficient and cost-effective technique to fulfil the obligations of the EU Maritime Strategy Directive (Micallef et al., 2012).

  2. Development of a marine geomorphmetric approach: We devised a novel methodology to quantitatively analyse seafloor data, which was shown to exploit the full potential of these datasets and significantly improve mapping and characterisation of submarine landslides (Micallef et al., 2007a; Mountjoy and Micallef, 2012; Micallef, 2011).

  3. Review of the state-of-the-art in marine geomorphometry (Lecours et al., 2015).