Department of Information Policy & Governance



CRiTERIA – Comprehensive data-driven Risk and Threat Assessment Methods for the Early and Reliable Identification, Validation and Analysis of migration-related risks 

The CRiTERIA project is funded by the European Union’s Horizon 2020 (Grant Agreement no. 101021866), under the SU-BES01-2018-2019-2020 call with a total budget of EUR € 489.0177,50. The project aims to develop a framework for border agencies that is novel, comprehensive, feasible and human-rights sensitive for the analysis of risk and vulnerability. This framework is built on the foundation of novel multi-perspective risk and vulnerability analysis methodology with multi-source, multi-lingual analysis technologies and tools. The framework also aims to make the complex indicators used in the methodology accessible in manner that is verifiable and understandable. Specifically, the project has the following objectives:

a. Strengthen and expand existing risk analysis methods by introducing novel approaches, such as identifying risk factors from qualitative evidence; building  composite indicators; incorporating risk interaction and risk cascading assessments; and consolidating the human security and human rights dimensions of border security.

b. Develop and evaluate advanced analysis technologies and tools that are tailored to the new comprehensive risk and vulnerability indicators of the CRiTERIA methodology. Special focus will be given to the role of narratives, events, attitudes, and perception of situations for migration-related decisions, the evolution of migration-related situations, the vulnerability of borders and humans, and the development of threats.

c. Develop technology for automatically explaining extracted findings following the ideas of explainable AI, and also technology for automated validation of findings related to risk and vulnerability.
