Browsing by Author Sammut, Fiona

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Showing results 1 to 18 of 18
Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)
2022Accuracy of emergency weight estimation in Maltese school childrenTorpiano, Paul; Torpiano, K.; Sammut, Fiona; Zahra, J.; Aquilina, Susan; Grech, Victor E.
2020Attitudes of medical students in Malta toward psychiatry and mental illnessBorg, Nicole; Testa, Louisa; Sammut, Fiona; Cassar, David
2023Bayesian hierarchical modelling of basketball team performance : an NBA regular season case studyAttard, Paul; Suda, David; Sammut, Fiona
2021-06Candidate perception on comfort and perceived stress post major trauma simulation teaching - a post simulation scenario surveySchembri, Velitchka; Esposito, Tanya; Sciberras, Stephen C.; Sammut, Fiona
2021Common topic identification in online Maltese news portal commentsZammit, Samuel; Sammut, Fiona; Suda, David
2023COVID-19 vaccination attitudes across the European continentSammut, Fiona; Suda, David; Caruana, Mark Anthony; Bogolyubova, Olga
2019Data analysis and data processing : engineering education in Malta paving the way for future industryBorg Inguanez, Monique; Sammut, Fiona; Pace Kiomall, A.; Cachia, Mario J.
2024Estimation of the Hubble constant using Gaussian process regression and viable alternativesZammit, Samuel; Suda, David; Sammut, Fiona; Said, Jackson
2016-12Examining the model structure of the strengths and difficulties questionnaire (SDQ)Azzopardi, Lara Marie; Camilleri, Liberato; Sammut, Fiona; Cefai, Carmel
2018-09Examining the structural validity of the strengths and difficulties questionnaire (SDQ) in a multilevel frameworkAzzopardi, Lara Marie; Camilleri, Liberato; Sammut, Fiona; Cefai, Carmel
2022Factors influencing the abundance and distribution of feral pigeons (Columba livia) in urban environments in MaltaBorg Muscat, Cassandra; Sammut, Fiona; Schembri, Patrick J.
2024Genotype-phenotype of autosomal dominant polycystic kidney disease in MaltaCiantar, Natalie; Zahra, Graziella; Delicata, Julian; Sammut, Fiona; Calleja-Agius, Jean; Farrugia, Emanuel; Said, Edith
2023Knowledge gaps of medical and pharmacy students with respect to performance enhancing drugs in sport : a pilot studyMifsud, Daniela; Borg, Nicole; Testa, Louisa; Sammut, Fiona; Attard, Lucienne; Mifsud, Janet
2019A quantitative analysis of Maltese educational pathways and their impact on the take-up of the engineering professionAzzopardi, Marc Anthony; Zammit, Brian; Micallef, Daniel; Buhagiar, Daniel; Borg Inguanez, Monique; Sammut, Fiona; Pace Kiomall, Alexia; Cachia, Mario; Pulé, Sarah
2022A randomized, controlled trial on the effect of anesthesia on chronic pain after total knee arthroplastySciberras, Stephen C.; Vella, Adrian P.; Vella, Bernice; Spiteri, Jessica Antoinette; Mizzi, Christabel; Borg Xuereb, Keith; LaFerla, Godfrey; Grech, Godfrey; Sammut, Fiona
2024Self-care practices of foundation year doctors in MaltaBorg, Nicole; Camilleri, Laura; Testa, Louisa; Sammut, Fiona; Taylor East, Rachel
2024She can you canFarrugia, Lourdes; Farrugia, Danielle Martine; Camilleri, Vanessa; Azzopardi, Gabriella; Borg, Claudia; Farrugia, Stephanie; Cutajar, Deandra; Scerri, Jeanesse; Mifsud, Janet; Gauci, Charmaine; Martin, Gillian; Calleja-Agius, Jean; Rodrigues, Raina; Falzon, Laura; Micallef, Pauline; Zammit, Audrey; Munoz Abela, Jeanette Mireille; Sammut, Sonya; Scicluna, Rachael Marie; Mercieca, Nadine; Spiteri, Anna; Briguglio, Marie; Dalli Gonzi, Rebecca; Bonnici, Alexandra; Pizzuto, Helga; Sammut, Fiona; Grech Bonnici, Paula; Farhat, Iman
2020A study to evaluate the effectiveness of simulation on anaesthetic non-technical skills in the management of major trauma patientsSchembri Agius, Velitchka; Sammut, Fiona; Esposito, Tanya; Sciberras, Stephen C.; Mckenna, John