Browsing by Subject Cloud computing

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Showing results 1 to 20 of 67  next >
Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)
2014An analytical method of assessment of RemoteFX as a cloud gaming platformDepasquale, Etienne Victor; Zammit, Audrey; Camilleri, Michael; Zammit, Saviour; Muscat, Adrian; Mallia, Pierre; Scerri, Stefan
2022Artificial intelligence for cloud and edge computingMisra, Sanjay; Tyagi, Amit Kumar; Piuri, Vincenzo; Garg, Lalit
2023Assessing future development needs in cloud computing cyber security : a systematic literature review of literature reviewsBarbara, Tristan (2023)
2011Assessing the impact of model driven development on secure software developmentCini, Claire (2011)
2019An asynchronous method for cloud-based renderingBugeja, Keith; Debattista, Kurt; Spina, Sandro
2013Building large personal cloud using space-limited consumer cloud servicesMifsud Bonnici, Robert (2013)
2022The change of communication process in manufacturing companies implementing new technologies : empirical evidenceZalewska-TurzyƄska, Magdalena
2015CirrusPGA : a framework enabling automated cloud-based parallel genetic algorithmsBorg, Jeremy Anthony
2015CirrusPGA : a framework enabling automated cloud-based parallel genetic algorithmsBorg, Jeremy Anthony
2015CirrusPGA : a framework enabling automated cloud-based parallel genetic algorithmsBorg, Jeremy Anthony (2015)
2014-11Cloud and mobile security assurance : a memory forensics approachVella, Mark Joseph
2012Cloud computing : the challenges to privacyFacciol, Alistair
2013Cloud computing, NoSQL & websockets : cutting edge technologies for scalability on the webKentzia, Matthias (2013)
2021Cloud-based clinical decision support systemOyenuga, Solomon Olalekan; Garg, Lalit; Bhardwaj, Amit Kumar; Shrivastava, Divya Prakash
2020Cloud-based dynamic GI for shared VR experiencesMagro, Mark; Spina, Sandro; Bugeja, Keith; Debattista, Kurt
2016Cloud-based rendering of natural video on mobile devicesMallia, Mark
2013Customer relationship management : the potential of social media and cloud computing toward local small-to-medium sized enterprisesSaliba, Roberto
2022D-Cloud-Collector : admissible forensic evidence from mobile cloud storageVella, Mark Joseph; Colombo, Christian
2019Data leakage in SaaSCalleja, Julian
2022Data processing using edge computing : a case study for the remote care environmentChetcuti, Ian; Attard, Conrad; Bonello, Joseph