Browsing by Subject Machine learning

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Showing results 1 to 20 of 399  next >
Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)
2024-09The acceptance and usage of ChatGPT : an information adoption model perspectiveCamilleri, Mark Anthony; Camilleri, Adriana Caterina
2022Advanced computingGarg, Deepak; Sarangapani, Jagannathan; Gupta, Ankur; Garg, Lalit; Gupta, Suneet
2019AI assisted learning (AIAL)Caruana Montaldo, Lara (2019)
2005AI game development [Review of the book Synthetic Creatures with Learning and Reactive Behaviors, by A. J. Champandard]Yannakakis, Georgios N.
2022Analysing diverse algorithms performing music genre recognitionButtigieg Vella, Jamie (2022)
2023Analysis of chimeric reads characterises the diverse targetome of AGO2-mediated regulationHejret, Vaclav; Varadarajan, Nandan Mysore; Klimentova, Eva; Gresova, Katarina; Giassa, Ilektra-Chara; Vanacova, Stepanka; Alexiou, Panagiotis
2019Analytics of patient flow patterns in a healthcare ecosystem : a blockchain approachAbela, Stephen
2008Application and viability of document classification techniquesMercieca, Joanna (2008)
2020Application of 1h and 13c nmr fingerprinting as a tool for the authentication of Maltese extra virgin olive oilLia, Frederick; Vella, Benjamin; Zammit-Mangion, Marion; Farrugia, Claude
2021Application of artificial intelligence for energy efficiency analysis of compressed air systemsFarrugia, Daniel (2021)
2021Application of boosting algorithms for anti money laundering in cryptocurrencies : towards healthier cryptocurrency networksVassallo, Dylan (2021)
2022The application of customer relationship management for digital health systems with the management of outpatients as a use caseFenech, Nicole (2022)
2021Application of fourier transform mid-infra-red attenuated total reflectance (ft-mir-atr) for the authentication of Maltese extra virgin olive oilLia, Frederick; Zammit-Mangion, Marion; Farrugia, Claude
2019Application of machine learning techniques at the CERN Large Hadron ColliderVan der Veken, Frederik; Azzopardi, Gabriella; Blanc, Frederic; Coyle, Loic; Fol, Elena; Giovannozzi, Massimo; Pieloni, Tatiana; Redaelli, Stefano; Rivkin, Leonid; Salvachua, Belen; Schenk, Michael; Tomas, Rogelio; Valentino, Gianluca
2024Application of machine learning techniques for identifying marine species in Maltese watersMifsud Scicluna, Benjamin (2024)
2022Application of reinforcement learning in the LHC tune feedbackGrech, Leander; Valentino, Gianluca; Alves, Diogo; Hirlander, Simon
2024The application of selected supervised machine learning methods in the classification of family businesses in the context of cluster formationWotzka, Daria; Frącz, Paweł; Staszewska, Jolanta; Foltys, Joachim; Smolarek, Małgorzata; Orzechowski, Krzysztof
2006The application of support vector machine for speech classificationGauci, Oliver; Debono, Carl James; Gatt, Edward; Micallef, Paul
2003Applying language technology to ontology-based querying : the OntoQuery projectPaggio, Patrizia; Haltrup, Dorte; Pedersen, Bolette S.
2020Applying machine learning to ultrafast shape recognition in ligand-based virtual screeningBonanno, Etienne; Ebejer, Jean Paul