Dissertations - FacArtTTI - 2015 Collection home page Statistics

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Collection's Items (Sorted by Submit Date in Descending order): 21 to 35 of 35
Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)
2015It-traduzzjoni u l-analiżi (Spanjol > Malti) tal-ktieb “El tiempo entre costuras” ta’ María DueñasZammit, Charlene
2015The translation of Spanish and Hispanic colloquialisms into MalteseCarbonaro, Suzanne
2015Translation and analysis of Alfonso Sastre’s “Escuadra hacia la muerte” from Spanish to MalteseMicallef, Claire
2015Flaubert’s ‘Madame Bovary’ : analysis of various translations into EnglishAzzopardi, Jasamine
2015A vast array of political speeches : can the same powerful, historical and timeless effect be maintained through translation?Portelli Mangani, Francesca-Marie
2015Glossary of terms used by the European Union, the Council of Europe and UNESCO in the fields of culture and new mediaButtigieg, Kurt
2015Traduzzjoni u analiżi ta’ parti mill-erbatax u l-aħħar rumanz ta’ Ian Fleming, "Octopussy and the Living Daylights"Vella, Christian P.P.
2015A bilingual terminological database (English to Maltese) related to the area of diabetesDebono, Diane
2015Translating and analyzing subtitles : “The Notebook” directed by Nick CassavetesDebono, Antonella
2015A translation of Frans Sammut’s "Il-Gaġġa"Farrugia, Stephanie
2015A glossary of selected terms related to paediatricsSpiteri, Gabriella
2015Traduzzjoni u analiżi ta’ siltiet minn "La casa de Bernarda Alba" ta’ Federico García LorcaCachia, Raquel
2015Frozen : Ir-Renju tas-Silġ : traduzzjoni tal-film għal sottotitoliDe Gabriele, Reuben
2015Language and memory : note-taking in consecutive interpretationAttard, Lucienne (2015)
2015A glossary of terms related to complementary and alternative medicineSammut, Victoria
Collection's Items (Sorted by Submit Date in Descending order): 21 to 35 of 35

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