ASEMI test pitch video for ATTRACT

A few months ago, our project team was asked to submit a short test pitch video to the ATTRACT consortium, in preparation for the final conference presentations to be held in September. We had already booked a session with colleagues in the Marketing, Communications & Alumni Office to shoot some footage for later editing. Shortly before this, the pandemic caused a rapid change in our working conditions, and we quickly found ourselves in a situation where we had very limited access to the lab resources, and the shooting session obviously had to be cancelled.

With most of us working from home, the only realistic solution was to shoot what we could with our available resources. Thankfully, I already had a good setup at home to both use the volumetric editing software, as well as to shoot and edit video. Unfortunately, I do not consider myself much of a video person, so this involved a significant learning curve. In any case, after a few iterations and helpful criticism from my colleagues on this project, we had something suitable for submission.

Recently, the ATTRACT consortium asked us whether we would like our videos to feature in the public repository. Of course, we’d be happy for that to happen, and in anticipation of that event, we’re also sharing the video here.

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