


How the RIDE+SAFE project is developing

We believe in the RIDE+SAFE project and its need among motorcycle riders. We are excited and we want to share every little progress we do with you.

Project Progress

The Motivation

This project is driven by the alarming increase in motorcycle fatalities in Malta.

The Idea

The Department of Industrial and Manufacturing Engineering and the Department of Systems and Control Engineering at the University of Malta, in collaboration with WKD Works Ltd., have joint forces to develop a comprehensive simulator which supports the design of customised and safer motorcycles based keeping the rider at the centre of the design process. The simulator is characterised by a novel jig immersed in a Virtual Reality (VR) environment.

The Benefit

The observations and knowledge generated from a number of studies carried out on the simulator, will then be modelled by artificial intelligence, which will guide customers to choose the right motorcycle, riding postures and ergonomic set-up.


The research project RIDE+SAFE (R&I-2017-003T) is financed by the Malta Council for Science & Technology through the Technology Development Programme 2018.

See Who is Working on the RIDE+SAFE Project

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