A Journal of the University of Malta Medical School

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Volume 24, Issue 1    (go to table of contents)

Original Article

Maternal awareness of health promotion, parental and preschool childhood obesity

Sandra C. Buttigieg, Judith Townsend Rocchiccioli, Maria L. Ellul

Malta Medical Journal, 2012: 1; 9

Aim: To investigate the association between parental and preschool childhood obesity, as well as maternal awareness of public health promotion on healthy eating with parental and preschool childhood obesity.
Methods: Data were collected by measuring the height and weight of two hundred randomly selected three-year old children and their parents. Details of the early feeding and dietary styles and level of health promotion awareness were assessed in faceto-face structured health interviews with the parents.
Results: There were statistically significant relationships between childhood obesity and parents’ obesity (r=0.2; p<0.001). A higher proportion of overweight and obese preschool children showed that their mothers lacked awareness of health promotion as compared to children with normally accepted weight (χ2 (6, n=200)=17.32, p=0.008). Maternal awareness of health promotion on healthy eating appeared to have a protective effect against overweight/obesity in three year old children (odds ratio=0.38, 95% CI=0.20 to 0.70). Furthermore, a higher proportion of overweight/obesity mothers had no awareness of health promotion as compared to mothers with normally accepted weight (χ 2 (4, n=200)=13.29, p=0.01). Maternal awareness of health promotion appeared to also have a protective effect against overweight/obesity in mothers (odds ratio=0.51, 95% CI=0.28 to 0.95).
Conclusions: This study showed the protective effect of maternal awareness of health promotion on maternal and preschool childhood obesity. Additionally, this study showed that overweight and obese preschool children had parents who were also overweight and obese.


Preschool childhood, parental, obesity, health promotion

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