Study-Unit Description

Study-Unit Description


TITLE Aspects of Spanish Language and Grammar 1

UM LEVEL 01 - Year 1 in Modular Undergraduate Course



DEPARTMENT Spanish and Latin American Studies

DESCRIPTION El objetivo de esta asignatura es consolidar la competencia en los aspectos basicos de la gramatica espanola comenzando por la presentacion de los componentes de la gramatica: morfología, sintaxis, fonetica y fonología y semantica.

El curso se centrara basicamente en la morfologia del espanol: morfologia nominal (genero, numero, sufijacion y prefijacion, etc.), morfologia verbal (tiempo, modo, aspecto, etc.), articulo y determinantes, el adverbio, preposicion y conjuncion.

The aim of this study-unit is to strengthen competence in the basics of Spanish grammar starting with the presentation of the components of the this grammar: morphology, syntax, phonetics, phonology and semantics.

This unit will focus primarily on the morphology of Spanish: nominal morphology (gender, number, prefixes and suffixes, etc..) Verbal morphology (tense, mood, appearance, etc..) Articles and determinants, the adverb, preposition and conjunction.

Study-unit Aims:

- Valorar el nivel de competencia en español que poseen los estudiantes procedente de los conocimientos adquiridos previamente en el A level.
- Consolidar y ampliar esa competencia a través de exposiciones gramaticales y ejercicios de refuerzo.
- Solucionar las lagunas y carencias detectadas a lo largo de la realización de estas exposiciones gramaticales y ejercicios de refuerzo.

- Assess the level of competence in Spanish of students whose knowledge was previously acquired during their A level.
- Strengthen and broaden this competence through grammar presentations and top-up exercises.
- Solving the gaps and shortcomings identified during the course of the afore-mentioned grammar and top-up exercises.

Learning Outcomes:

1. Knowledge & Understanding:

By the end of the study-unit the student will be able to:
- distinguir los distintos componentes de la gramática;
- explicar los límites entre morfología, sintaxis, fonetica y fonología y semantica;
- reconocer las distintas unidades morfologicas y delimitar sus componentes característicos;
- identificar la estructura de la palabra;
- reconocer los diferentes tipos de palabra en español.

- Distinguish the different components of grammar;
- Explain the limits between morphology, syntax, phonetics and phonology and semantics;
- Recognize different morphological units and define their characteristic components;
- Identify the structure of the word;
- Recognize the different types of Spanish words.

2. Skills:

By the end of the study-unit the student will be able to:
- establecer las relaciones entre los diversos componentes de la gramática;
- analizar morfológicamente los componentes de una unidad lingüística;
- diferenciar las distintas unidades que pueden componer una unidad lingüística.

- Establish the relation between the various components of grammar;
- Morphologically analyze the components of a linguistic unit;
- Differentiate the different units that can compose a linguistic unit.

Main Text/s and any supplementary readings:

- Bosque y Demonte (dirs.), Gramatica Descriptiva de la Lengua Espanola, Espasa, 1999
- Real Academia Española y Asociación de Academias Americanas, Nueva Gramática de la Lengua Española, 2009

ADDITIONAL NOTES Pre-requisite: A Level Spanish or equivalent


Assessment Component/s Assessment Due Sept. Asst Session Weighting
Classwork SEM1 No 40%
Examination (2 Hours) SEM1 Yes 60%

LECTURER/S Paulina Perez


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It should be noted that all the information in the description above applies to study-units available during the academic year 2024/5. It may be subject to change in subsequent years.