Study-Unit Description

Study-Unit Description


TITLE Introducing Literacy and Mathematics and their Challenges

UM LEVEL 01 - Year 1 in Modular Undergraduate Course



DEPARTMENT Inclusion and Access to Learning

DESCRIPTION Study-Unit Aims:

This study-unit intends to introduce students to basic literacy and numeracy as well as to the field of Learning Disabilities (SpLD). Learning Disabilities is a relatively new field (less than fifty years) and people with learning disabilities are the largest population within the field of Disabilities, having been and still are often mislabelled and misunderstood. Students will also be introduced to multi sensory teaching techniques as the most effective methodology to introduce literacy and numeracy to the inclusive classroom.

Learning Outcomes:

1. Knowledge & Understanding:

By the end of the study-unit the student will be able to:
- Explain basic principles of literacy and numeracy development.
- Discuss definitions of learning disabilities.
- Introduce students to basic literacy.
- Describe visual learning.
- Demonstrate the rationale behind Visual Organization of Information.
- Discuss the reading debate within multisensory models of reading.
- Demonstrate foundations of mathematical learning.
- Discuss principles of multisensory teaching programme.
- Explain Multi level teaching of literacy and numeracy.

2. Skills:

By the end of the study-unit the student will be able to:
- Critique lesson plans in light of knowledge learnt.
- Discuss learning in light of Math and reading development.
- Present multi sensory aspects to reading.
- Draw up Graphic Organisation of Information models (eg MindMaps).
- Demonstrate the use of mnemonics in learning and studying.
- Relate multisensory learning to the curriculum.
- Discuss relevant instructional techniques.
- Account for children with Learning Difficulties in the classroom.

Main Text/s and any supplementary readings:

- Hall, Susan L. & Moats, Louise C. (1999). Straight talk about reading. USA: Contemporary Books.
- Henderson, Anne (1998). Maths for the dyslexic - a practical guide. UK: London: David Fulton Publishers.
- Adams, Marilyn Jager (1994). Beginning to read: thinking and learning about print. Cambridge MA: MIT Press.
- Adams, M. J., Foorman, B.R., Lundberg, I. & Buber, T. (1998). Phonemic Awareness in young children. Baltimore, MD: Paul H. Brooks.
- Bender, William N. (2001). Learning disabilities: characteristics, identification a teaching strategies (2008). USA: Allyn and Bacon.
- Brady, S.A., &Schwankweiler, D.P. (editors) (1991). Phonological processes in literacy. USA: Hillsdale Erlbaum.
- Hornsby, B. & Shear, F. (1999). Alpha to omega: an A – Z of teaching, reading, writing and spelling : Heinemann Oxford.
- Layton, Lyn, Deeny, Karen & Upton, Graham (2002). Sound practice: phonological awareness in the classroom. UK: D Fulton Publishers.
- Lever, Mel (2003). Measures and handling data: activities for children with Mathematics learning difficulties. London: David Fulton Publishers.
- Lever, Mel (2003). Number: activities for children with mathematics learning difficulties. London: David Fulton Publishers.
- Lever, Mel (2003). Shapes and space: activities for children with mathematics learning difficulties London: David Fulton Publishers.
- Pollack, J. &Wallwe, E. (2005). Day-to-day dyslexia in the classroom. UK: Routledge.
- Raymond Sally (2003). Dragonfly games: developing and supporting dyslexic learners 7-14 London: David Fulton Publishers.
- Thomson Michael (Editor) (2003). Dyslexia included: a whole school approach. London: David Fulton Publishers.
- Tilstone, C., Lacey, P., Porter, J. & Robertson, C., (2000) Pupils with learning difficulties in mainstream schools UK: David Fulton Publications.
- Vail Priscilla (1991). Common ground. UK: Modern Learning Press.

ADDITIONAL NOTES This study-unit is only offered to Diploma in Facilitating Inclusive Education students.

Pre-requisite Study-units: INE1701; INE1702


Assessment Component/s Sept. Asst Session Weighting
Examination (1 Hour and 30 Minutes) Yes 100%

LECTURER/S Ruth Falzon
Ninette Pace Balzan


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The availability of optional units may be subject to timetabling constraints.
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It should be noted that all the information in the description above applies to study-units available during the academic year 2024/5. It may be subject to change in subsequent years.