Study-Unit Description

Study-Unit Description


TITLE Noise, EMC and Optoelectronics

UM LEVEL 04 - Years 4, 5 in Modular UG or PG Cert Course


DEPARTMENT Electronic Systems Engineering

DESCRIPTION Part 1: Intrinsic Noise in Electronic Circuits

1) Introduction to Noise in Electronic Circuits.
2) Time Domain Analysis of Noise Characteristics.
3) Frequency Domain Analysis of Noise Characteristics.
4) Sources of Noise in Electronic Circuits.
    - Thermal Noise.
    - Shot Noise.
    - Flicker Noise.
    - Burst Noise.
    - Generation - Recombination Noise.
    - Avalanche Noise.
5) Noise Model for Circuit Elements
    - Diode Noise Model
    - BJT Noise Model
    - FETs Noise Model
    - OP Amps Noise Model
6) Noise Measurement
    - Noise Bandwidth.
    - Noise Factor.
    - Noise Figure.
7) Noise Reduction Techniques

Part 2: Noise Reduction Techniques

1) Interference Mechanisms
    - Electric and Magnetic Fields
    - Field Sources
    - Signal Transmission
    - EMI propagation
2) Electrostatic Discharge
    - Triboelectric and Inductive Charging
    - Discharge Mechanisms
    - ESD Mitigation Practices
    - The Human Body Model
    - ESD Testing
    - ESD Protection in Circuits
3) Introduction to EMC Legislations and Standards
    - EMC Compliance
    - Standards and Regulating Bodies
4) EMC Testing basics
    - The EMC Test Plan
    - Test Categories
5) Equipment and Facilities
    - Sites, Chambers, Antennae and Instrumentation
6) Design Techniques for EMC compliance

Part 3: Optoelectronics

1) Light Absorption
2) Photo-conduction
3) Quantum Efficiency
4) Spontaneous Emission
5) Optodevicies
    - Light Emitting Diode
    - PIN Photodiode
    - Avalanche Photodiode
    - Phototransistor
    - Solid State Laser Diode
6) Optical Communication Systems
    - Optical Fibres
    - Types of Fibre Optics
    - Optical Transmission Loss
    - Optical Link Power Budgeting

Study-unit Aims:

The main aim of this study-unit is to present three important topics in the field of electronics which are Intrinsic Noise in Electronic Circuits, Electromagnetic Compatibility and Optoelectronics.

The objective of the first part is to present the nature of noise generated by electronic devices. The unit explains in detail how electronic noise is generated and measured, and how electronics design can be conducted in order to achieve noise immunity and minimize electronic noise generation.

In the Electromagnetic Compatibility part, the phenomena governing extrinsic noise and interference are explained. The students are also introduced to the practical considerations of EMC legislation, test planning and equipment used in test labs. This section also describes electrostatic charge accumulation, methods of discharge, ESD prevention and testing.

The aim of optoelectronics is to present the study and application of electronic devices that source, detect and control light. The unit explains in detail the nature of optoelectronic devices and how these devices can be used in electronic circuits.

Learning Outcomes:

1. Knowledge & Understanding:

By the end of the study-unit the student will be:
- Able to characterize and distinguish between different noise sources in an electronic circuit.
- Able to explain the different noise measurements.
- Able to explain the different noise interferences mechanisms.
- Able to understand different ways in which EMI may affect a circuit.
- Able to know about the different certification authorities and standards classification.
- Able to explain what is required from an EMC test plan.
- Be familiar with basic equipment used in EMC testing.
- Able to describe the principles of operation of different optoelectronic devices.
- Able to explain the different optical technologies that constitutes an optical communication system.

2. Skills:

By the end of the study-unit the student will be able to:
- Design electronic circuitry fit for a purpose in the context of noise emissions and immunity.
- Use the electronics analogue and digital circuit design techniques for emissions control and noise immunity.
- Enhance the PCB layout design techniques for emission control and immunity.
- Use industrial design practices for EMC testing and compliancy.

Main Text/s and any supplementary readings:

- Horrowitz, P. And Hill, W., The Art of Electronics. Cambridge University Press.
- Vasilescu G, Electronic Noise and Interfering Signals Principles and Applications, Springer Press.
- Williams Tim, EMC for Product Designers, Elsevier Press.

ADDITIONAL NOTES Please note that a pass in the Examination component is obligatory for an overall pass mark to be awarded.

STUDY-UNIT TYPE Lecture, Tutorial and Practical

Assessment Component/s Sept. Asst Session Weighting
Practical No 25%
Examination [See Add. Notes] (3 Hours) Yes 75%

LECTURER/S Marvin Zammit


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It should be noted that all the information in the description above applies to study-units available during the academic year 2024/5. It may be subject to change in subsequent years.