Study-Unit Description

Study-Unit Description


TITLE The Maltese Natural Heritage

UM LEVEL 05 - Postgraduate Modular Diploma or Degree Course



DEPARTMENT Institute of Maltese Studies

DESCRIPTION This study-unit, in line with the rationale explained above (B2) will bring such a rich natural heritage closer to the students, both from a scientific, historical, cultural, ecological, and economical aspect.

This study-unit will focus on the following topics:

1. Formation of the Maltese Islands: Taking also into account tectonic movements, earthquakes, volcanism, stratigraphy. Geomorphology will cover land formation, plateau, valleys and faults

2. Impact of climatic conditions on the Maltese Islands: Students will become aware of what climate change is, how this is studied, and how this affects the natural environment, with special reference to the impacts on the Maltese Islands, such as agriculture, and other socio-economic aspects. Mitigation measures and adaptation to climate change will also be addressed

3. Fresh Water – use and misuse: The scarce resource of water in the Maltese Islands will be brought to the attention of the students. They will be made aware of how this resource is obtained, collected, harvested, conserved, and also how it can be used and misused. The dependence on it and the consequences of lack of it will also be highlighted.

4 .Terrestrial and marine natural environment of the Maltese Islands: students will be made aware on the richness of plant life in the Maltese Islands, vis-à-vis Mediterranean plant communities; their sequence, their adaptation and tolerance to local conditions, with references to cultural aspects and human impacts. Information will be made available on the different types of terrestrial fauna found in the Maltese Islands, their adaptation to the different habitats, their status, importance, sustainable use, and exploitation. Reference will also be made to the number of birds recorded in the Maltese Islands, their status, importance, sustainable use and exploitation and cultural and traditional views. The marine flora and fauna will also be tackled, highlighting the richness, delicate life, importance, sustainable use, their misuse and exploitation, and their status in the Maltese Islands.

5. Environmental coastal management: This section will take into account the integrated river basin management, incorporating marine and terrestrial flora and fauna (biodiversity): need for, benefits, and ecological, social and economic impacts.

6. Anthropological impacts on the Natural Heritage: Students will be given an insight into the vast array and diversity of man’s activities on land and water and how these impinge on natural heritage of the Maltese Islands. The lecture also provides an overview on possible mitigation, how impacts can be normally monitored.

7. National and International obligations: This section will bring to the attention of the students the measures taken, both on a national and also on an international basis, for the protection, education and public awareness of the natural heritage of the Maltese Islands. References to both the national and international, including EU legislation, will be given.

Students will be able to attend a field trip to closely see for themselves all the material discussed above, and will be able to ask questions with regards to the lectures given.

Study-unit Aims

The introduction of the subjects outlined in the programme, will make students more aware of the responsibility, need for protection, management, appreciation, and the need for more education and public awareness. It will also bring the subject of natural heritage closer to everyday life and will also help the students to realise the dependence of life on these islands on such a natural heritage.

Learning Outcomes

1. Knowledge & Understanding: By the end of the study-unit the student will be able to:

- comprehend and appreciate more the natural heritage of the Maltese Islands,
- realise the dependence of life on the Maltese Islands on such a natural heritage the need for its protection
- be familiar with the formation of the Maltese Islands and how these sustain the different natural habitat/s that live on the archipelago;
- be familiar with aspects of the living heritage which distinguish the Maltese Islands from other Mediterranean archipelagos;
- be familiar with the delicate natural balance on which man is so dependent and also of which he is part of,
- be familiar with the responsibility and the need for the more awareness for the need of such national protection;
- be familiar with national and international obligations which Malta as a Party to a number of International Legal Instruments, including that of the European Union;
- the field visit will also allow participants to 'handle' and see at close quarters different aspect of the natural heritage of the Maltese Islands.

2. Skills: By the end of the study-unit the student will be able to:

- become more aware of the intrinsic, educational, ecological, economical, social, scientific, values of our living heritage, some of which is unique.
- be aware of understanding the sustainable use of the natural heritage, that is a collective approach from an ecological, social and economic aspect.
- realise the potential of such a natural heritage from a number of different aspects, such as: economic, ecological, social including education, research, work opportunities,
- appreciate the impacts and dependence of the Maltese climate;
- have a basic appreciation of the historic relation between the human colonisation of the Maltese Islands and anthropogenic impacts on the natural assets of the archipelago;
- be able to take initiative for its protection, and conservation, and education.
- involve themselves in public discussions, and also in consultations with regards to the management of the natural environment.

Main Text/s and any supplementary readings

Reading lists will be offered by all lecturers and publications are all available at the University Library and can also be accessed from many commercial libraries if need be.

- Baldacchino, A.E. & Azzopardi, J.: L-Ghasafar li jbejtu fl-ambjent naturali tal-Gzejjer Maltin. Malta University Services. 2007
- Cassar, L.F. (2001): Training Package ~ Integrated Coastal Area Management. Part I: Training Manual; Part II: Visual Aids. United Nations Industrial Development Organization, Vienna.
- Conrad, E. & Cassar, L F. (2007): Coasts & Conflicts: Towards harmonisation and integration in the Mediterranean. International Environment Institute, University of Malta.
- Grove A.T. & Rackham, O: The Nature of Mediterranean Europe: An Ecological History, Yale University Press, New Haven, 2003
- Haslam S.M. & Borg J: The River Valleys of the Maltese Islands: Environment and Human Impact, Islands and Small States Institute, FIS, Malta & CIHEAM, (Italy), 1998
- Lanfranco, S.: L-Ambjent Naturali tal-Gzejjer Maltin, Kullana Kulturali, PIN, Malta, 2003
- Lockhart, D.G., Drakakis-Smith, D. & Schembri, J. (eds): The Development Process in Small Island States, Routledge, London & New York, 1993, pp.247-266
- Pedley, H.M., Hughes-Clarke, M. & Galea, P.: Limestone Isles in a crystal Sea – the geology of the Maltese Islands. PEG Ltd. 2002
- Schembri, P.J. and Baldacchino, A.E.: Ilma, Blat u Hajja, Is-Sisien tal-Ambjent Naturali Malti, (it-tieni edizjoni riveduta), Malta University Publishers Ltd, Malta, 1998
- Sultana J. & Falzon V. (eds): Wildlife of the Maltese Islands, Environment Protection Department . Malta, 1996.


Assessment Component/s Sept. Asst Session Weighting
Examination (2 Hours) Yes 100%

LECTURER/S Marc Andrea Cassar
Joseph A. Borg
Keith Buhagiar
Mark Anthony Falzon
Reuben Grima
Sandro Lanfranco (Co-ord.)
Julian Mamo
Paul Portelli


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The availability of optional units may be subject to timetabling constraints.
Units not attracting a sufficient number of registrations may be withdrawn without notice.
It should be noted that all the information in the description above applies to study-units available during the academic year 2024/5. It may be subject to change in subsequent years.