Study-Unit Description

Study-Unit Description


TITLE Materiali didattici e tecniche d’insegnamento / Teaching Techniques and Classroom Materials

UM LEVEL 05 - Postgraduate Modular Diploma or Degree Course



DEPARTMENT Languages and Humanities Education

DESCRIPTION The study-unit will be divided in 2 parts. The first part will be dedicated to the theoretical notions underlying various teaching strategies and on the basic principles involved in the planning and development of a Scheme of Work. Students will also be encouraged and asked to create a series of tasks (including schemes of works, lesson plans, teaching materials), which can be used in the Italian L2 classroom. For this purpose the syllabus/programmes designed to teach Italian in local schools will be discussed, including the Subject Proficiency Assessment (SPA) programme. The difference between lesson objectives and learning outcomes will be discussed in detail. The study-unit will also include a thorough analysis of the various syllabi of Italian for the different year groups and of the programme of studies for SPA.

In the second part of the study-unit, the theoretical notions will be applied to practice and materials will be selected in order to create lesson plans and schemes of work. The students will be asked to create a series of tasks to be used in the Italian L2 classroom. Emphasis will be placed on the inclusion of receptive (listening, reading) and productive (speaking, writing) abilities and on the importance of using teaching strategies within the classroom. Another important aspect is the choice of the right teaching materials (including textbooks) and resources to be used in the classroom. Importance will also be given to the use of games and creative activities in the language classroom as well as to classroom management techniques.

Study-Unit Aims:

The main aim of this unit is to present theoretical notions underlying teaching strategies and how to apply them in order to plan, organise and develop materials for Italian L2 teaching and learning. The study-unit also aims to introduce the participants to important practice and research in the use of teaching strategies. The participants will be given the specific knowledge and skills necessary in two domains, mainly expertise in the preparation and delivery of lessons as well as in the preparation of teaching materials. Another aim of the unit is to explore how educational games and various types of activities can be used to teaching different language skills.

Learning Outcomes:

1. Knowledge & Understanding:

By the end of the study-unit the student will:
- become knowledgeable of the fundamental theories of Italian Pegagogical Content and show an ability to relate them to practice;
- be able to analyse the strengths and weaknesses of current teaching programmes;
- be able to analyse the difference between lesson objectives and learning outcomes by formulating different examples of them;
- become knowledgeable of the theoretical notions of ludolinguistica - teaching through games and recreational linguistics;
- be able to define the relationship between theory and practice in lesson preparation and implemenation.

2. Skills:

By the end of the study-unit the student will be able to:
- develop adequate schemes of work and lesson plans for teaching purposes by producing samples of them showing how these can be directed to learners of Italian;
- explore and evaluate ways in which adequate teaching material can be used for didactic purposes;
- formulate Learning Outcomes and lesson objectives that are brief, clear, specific and measurable;
- prepare and deliver good quality lessons that are interactive and motivating;
- apply the principles underpinning the preparation and use of teaching materials;
- explore how educational games and various types of activities can be used for teaching the different language skills;
- demonstrate and evaluate, within the context of a class situation, the use of appropriate teaching materials.

Main Text/s and any supplementary readings:

- ANDORNO, C., BOSC, F., RIBOTTA, P. 2003. Grammatica Insegnarla e impararla, Guerra, Perugia.
- BALBONI, P. 1999. Grammagiochi, Bonacci editore.
- BERTONI, S. – NOCCHI, S. 2004. Le parole italiane. Esercizi e giochi per imparare il lessico. Alma edizioni – Firenze.
- CAON, F. 2010. Dizionario dei gesti degli italiani, Guerra, Perugia.
- CILIBERTI, A. 1997. Manuale di Glottodidattica, La Nuova Italia.
- CORDA A., MARELLO C. 2004. Lessico Insegnarlo e impararlo, Guerra, Perugia.
- D'ALONZO, L. 2012. Come fare per gestire la classe. Giunti Scuola.
- DIADORI P., PALERMO M., TRONCARELLI D. 2009. Manuale di didattica dell’italiano L2, Guerra, Perugia.
- DIADORI P. – SEMPLICI, S. 2009. Qualità della didattica e tirocinio formativo per l’italiano L2, Guerra, Perugia.
- DIADORI P. (a cura di). 2001. Insegnare italiano a stranieri, Le Monnier, Firenze.
- GENOVESE L., KANIZSA S. 2008. Manuale della gestione della classe, Franco Angeli, Milano.
- MEZZADRI, M. 2003. I ferri del mestiere. Guerra Edizioni.
- MOLLICA A. 2010. Ludolinguistica e glottodidattica, Guerra, Perugia.
- MOLLICA A. 2009. Teaching and Learning languages, Guerra, Perugia.
- PATOTA, G. 2003. Grammatica di riferimento della lingua italiana per stranieri. Le Monnier.
- PICHIASSI M. 1999. Fondamenti di glottodidattica. Temi e problemi della didattica linguistica, Guerra, Perugia.
- TUFFANELLI, L., IANES, D. 2011. La gestione della classe. Edizioni Erikson.

ADDITIONAL NOTES Pre-requisite Qualifications: A first cycle degree (70 ECTS) in Italian


Assessment Component/s Assessment Due Sept. Asst Session Weighting
Assignment SEM1 Yes 100%



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The availability of optional units may be subject to timetabling constraints.
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It should be noted that all the information in the description above applies to study-units available during the academic year 2024/5. It may be subject to change in subsequent years.