CODE | MAL1040 | ||||||||
TITLE | Elementi tal-Morfoloġija tal-Malti | ||||||||
UM LEVEL | 01 - Year 1 in Modular Undergraduate Course | ||||||||
MQF LEVEL | 5 | ||||||||
ECTS CREDITS | 4 | ||||||||
DEPARTMENT | Maltese | ||||||||
DESCRIPTION | Is-sistema ortografika tal-Malti tistrieħ l-aktar fuq il-morfoloġija komplessa tiegħu, l-aktar fil-parti Għarbija. Dan il-kors hu maħsub biex isaħħaħ fl-istudent il-qafas tal-morfoloġija Maltija u jagħmlu iktar konxju mill-mudelli strutturali li jgħinuh jasal għall-kitba korretta. Għalkemm fil-qofol tiegħu jikkonsisti f’deskrizzjoni sinkronika tal-morfoloġija, matulha jsiru wkoll osservazzjonijiet dijakroniċi kull fejn dawn jistgħu jgħinu biex idawlu s-sitwazzjoni attwali. Biblijografija - Aquilina, J. (1959) The Structure of Maltese. Malta: The Royal University of Malta. - Borg, Albert. (1988) Ilsienna: Studju Grammatikali. Malta. - Borg, Alexander. (1978) A Historical and Comparative Phonology and Morphology of Maltese. Teżi tal Ph.D., The Hebrew University. - Cremona, A. (1938) Tagħlim fuq il Kitba Maltija 2. Malta: Lux Press. - Mifsud, M. (1995) “The Productivity of Arabic in Maltese”, Proceedings of the 2nd International Conference of AIDA. Cambridge. - Mifsud, M. (1995) Loan Verbs in Maltese. Leiden: E.J. Brill. - Mifsud, M. (1996) “The Collective in Maltese”, Rivista di Linguistica, 8.1: 29 51. - Sutcliffe, E. (1936) A Grammar of the Maltese Language. Malta: Progress Press. |
STUDY-UNIT TYPE | Lecture | ||||||||
LECTURER/S | Manwel Mifsud |
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The availability of optional units may be subject to timetabling constraints. Units not attracting a sufficient number of registrations may be withdrawn without notice. It should be noted that all the information in the description above applies to study-units available during the academic year 2024/5. It may be subject to change in subsequent years. |