In many countries, the challenge to attract quality physics teachers is real and tangible. Since Physics graduates have an extensive choice of careers available to them, the recruitment of physics teachers is facing stiff competition. This webinar aims to focus on quality physics teacher education and the training of teachers to teach physics throughout the school age range.
In August 2000, a GIREP Conference was held in Barcelona on the topic "Physics Teacher Education beyond 2000". At that Conference it was decided that a series of seminars should be organized in which the participants would be encouraged to submit papers focused on particular themes related to Physics Education. Seminars are meant to provide opportunities for more time for discussion and less for presentations. The seminars however are organized in a manner that all participants have a chance to share their thoughts and their research.
In 2003, a GIREP seminar was organized in Udine with the theme ‘Quality Development of Teacher Education’. One of the listed reasons of that seminar was ‘A new emphasis on the professionalism of teachers that requires a complex interaction of subject knowledge with technical, pedagogical, social, administrative and organisational skills’. In each successive GIREP Conference the Teacher Education theme was included. GIREP also contributed to the EU Project Steps Two and in 2010, a special workshop on the outcomes of the research on teacher education were discussed. In the 1st WCPE in Istanbul 2012, the main theme of the event was ‘Physics Teacher Education’.
The first international webinar which is to be held online from the 16th to the 18th November 2020 plans to focus on teacher education and to discuss the theme:
The focus of this webinar will be on Initial Teacher Education [ITE] and Teachers’ Continuous Professional Development [CPD]. Different themes linked to Physics Teacher Education will be discussed, namely:
[i] ICT and Multimedia in Teacher Education (Initial and Further PD). Responsibles: Peter Demkanin, Ton Ellermeijer, Lars-Jochen Thoms
[ii] Experiments and lab work in teacher education. Responsibles: Ian Bearden, Leoš Dvorák, Gorazd Planinšič
[iii] Quantum Mechanics in Teaching and learning physics. Responsibles: Sergej Faletic, Marisa Michelini, Gesche Pospiech
[iv] Formal, non-formal and informal aspects physics education at primary level. Responsibles: Mojca Cepic, Marco Gilberti, Dagmara Sokolowska
[v] Strategies for pre-service physics teacher education at all levels. Responsibles: Dina Curso, Claudio Fazio, Zuzana Jeskovsa
[vi] In-service teacher professional learning strategies. Responsibles: Eilish McLoughlin, Wim Peeters, David Sands
The Malta Webinar 2020 is being organized by the International Research Group on Physics Teaching – GIREP [Groupe International de Recherche sur l’Enseignement de la Physique] and the University of Malta, Faculty of Education, Department of Mathematics and Science Education and Faculty of Science, Department of Physics, with the cooperation of the European Physics Society – Physics Education Division [EPS-PED] and Multimedia in Physics Teaching and Learning [MPTL]. The webinar includes presentations by keynote speakers, panel oral presentations, and work group discussions. The participants attending the webinar will be invited to contribute their insights and experiences in small group discussions of practitioners and researchers. These discussions will be led by work group leaders, supported by a discussant and a rapporteur. The feedback from these discussions will be reported in the concluding plenary sessions of the webinar and will provide the outcomes of the webinar.
Welcome note from the Faculty of Education
The Faculty of Education at the University of Malta would like to welcome the International Research Group on Physics Teaching (GIREP) and thank the organizers for choosing Malta as a location for their 2020 GIREP international webinar. Physics is a field of knowledge that impacts people’s everyday lives and therefore the role of the physics teacher is very important to help our young learners make sense of the world they live in.
Exposing our students to concepts of physics and doing so in an enjoyable and exploratory manner is crucial for having inquisitive adults who understand the world they live in and be able to make more informed and sustainable life choices. We truly believe that investing in good teachers – teachers that can enthuse and stimulate the natural curiosity of our young learners is good investment for the future.
We therefore would like to welcome physics educators from around the world for this important gathering to share their pedagogical knowledge and enrich each other. We are proud to be hosts.
Once again, we thank GIREP for choosing Malta as location for this prestigious webinar and look forward to welcome you at the University of Malta.
Dr Colin Calleja
Head of Department for Inclusion and Access to Learning
Dean Faculty of Education
University of Malta
Dr Josette Farrugia
Head of Mathematics and Science Education
Faculty of Education
University of Malta
Welcome note from the Faculty of Science
The Faculty of Science at the University of Malta fulfills its primary roles of teaching and research by producing some excellent Maltese and international science graduates, and numerous high-calibre research publications.
The Faculty consists of six departments, each offering a range of study-units at undergraduate and postgraduate levels. The Faculty's main undergraduate programme offered is the four-year joint honours B.Sc. degree course. Students can choose a combination of two subject areas offered by our departments as well as some departments from other Faculties.
The Department of Physics is part of the Faculty of Science at the University of Malta. In this department we offer our services through the design of a number of undergraduate and postgraduate courses as well as doctoral degrees. These courses are designed to equip students with the necessary knowledge, experience and skills to pursue careers as scientists within industry, administration, education and research.
The Department is highly active in research and our students are continuously encouraged to get involved in the ongoing research projects and initiatives. We are proud of our historic gender balance in terms of both undergraduate and research students, and the happy, informal and friendly relationship between students and staff.
The Faculty of Science and the Department of Physics also provide an essential service to the training of educators in Malta. A new course, a B.Sc. degree in Science for Education and Communication, was recently introduced jointly by the Faculty of Science and the Faculty of Education to create a new generation of science educators and science communicators in Malta.
Physics education is at once essential and close to our hearts. We look forward to hosting and participating in this GIREP webinar.
Prof. Andre' Xuereb
Head of Physics Department
Faculty of Science
University of Malta
Prof. Emmanuel Sinagra
Head of Chemistry Department
Dean Faculty of Science
University of Malta