Browsing by Author Aquilina, Mario

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Showing results 1 to 20 of 49  next >
Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)
2022Affinities and contestations : the self and the other in the essayAquilina, Mario
2017Apophatic rhetoric in Shakespeare's Rival Poet sonnetsAquilina, Mario
2024Artificial intelligence and the post-literary difference : a provocationAquilina, Mario; Callus, Ivan; Corby, James
2022-02The assay interview project : Mario AquilinaBabine, Karen; Aquilina, Mario
2014A case of shifting boundaries. A review of The Routledge Companion to Experimental LiteratureAquilina, Mario
2015The computational sublime in Nick Montfort’s ‘Round’ and ‘All the names of God’Aquilina, Mario
2016CounterText : electronic literature, again : volume 2, issue 2Aquilina, Mario; Callus, Ivan
2023CounterText : volume 9 : issue 3Callus, Ivan; Corby, James; Aquilina, Mario
2023The CounterText interview : Ogutu MurayaMuraya, Ogutu; Aquilina, Mario
2016The CounterText interview : Stephanie StricklandStrickland, Stephanie; Aquilina, Mario; Callus, Ivan
2015The CounterText interview : Timothy ClarkClark, Timothy; Aquilina, Mario
2017The CounterText review : Brian Dillon’s Essayism and the return of the essayAquilina, Mario
2021-12Critical thinking across disciplinesAquilina, Mario
2016E-literatureCallus, Ivan; Aquilina, Mario
2018Echoing as self-fashioning in the essay : Hazlitt’s quoting and misquoting of ShakespeareAquilina, Mario
2022The Edinburgh companion to the essayAquilina, Mario; Cowser Jr, Bob; Wallack, Nicole B.
2017Electronic literatureAquilina, Mario
2017Electronic literature and the poetics of contiguityAquilina, Mario
2021The essay at the limits : poetics, politics and formAquilina, Mario
2024Essayistic interviews : the interview as collaborative essayismAquilina, Mario; Wallack, Nicole B.; Cowser, Bob Jr