Browsing by Author Attard, Geoffrey G.

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Showing results 1 to 20 of 79  next >
Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)
2009-12Alfons Maria Hili - a Gozitan patriotAttard, Geoffrey G.
2017-11Book : Spirituality, Devotions & Traditions of the Augustinian Friars in Gozo [book review]Attard, Geoffrey G.
2019Book review : A Magna Maxima. Rabat – Città VictoriaAttard, Geoffrey G.
2018Book review : Anton Tabone. Il-pont bejn Ghawdex regjun u Malta nazzjonAttard, Geoffrey G.
2023Book review : Bilanċ : għal ħajja aħjarAttard, Geoffrey G.
2018Book review : Bozzetti. The Ingenuity of ConceptionAttard, Geoffrey G.
2020Book review : Dies Irae, Dies Illa. Jum ta’ Għadab, dak il-JumAttard, Geoffrey G.
2018Book review : Il-Bolla Tal-Kolleggjata Tal-GħarbAttard, Geoffrey G.
2018Book review : Ir-Refugjati Maltin f’Ghawdex fi Zmien il-GwerraAttard, Geoffrey G.
2021Book review : Kannibali Demokratiċi u Drammi OħraAttard, Geoffrey G.
2023Book review : L-Għaqda Mużikali San Girgor ta’ Kerċem : storja tal-ewwel 25 sena 1997-2022Attard, Geoffrey G.
2023Book review : Mal-aħħar mewġiet : Poeżiji 2017-2022Attard, Geoffrey G.
2020Book review : Maltese lace. History & mystery. Four centuries of BizzillaAttard, Geoffrey G.
2019Book review : Mar-Ritmi tal-Baħar. PoeżijiAttard, Geoffrey G.
2023Book review : Mill-ġrajja għall-ballataAttard, Geoffrey G.
2024Book review : Tajr tal-Karti. Antoloġija ta’ PoeżijiAttard, Geoffrey G.
2020Book review : The false domes of the Gozo Cathedral and other churchesAttard, Geoffrey G.
2019Book Review : Żebbuġ of Gozo. Its People, Inscriptions and HistoryAttard, Geoffrey G.
2021Book review : Ħajja u Mewt. Il-Mard u s-Saħħa f’Għawdex fi Żmien l-Arċipriet Dun Martin Camilleri 1910-1921Attard, Geoffrey G.
2014Book reviewsAttard, Geoffrey G.; Cauchi, Maurice N.