Browsing by Author Fuadah, Luk Luk
Showing results 1 to 5 of 5
Issue Date | Title | Author(s) |
2022-10 | CEO narcissism, company value and earnings management in industrial sector of Indonesia | Kumala Sari, Intan; Fuadah, Luk Luk; Yusnaini |
2018-09 | The effect of corporate governance mechanism on tax aggressiveness with earnings management as intervening variable | Putri, Shelly Prahadian; Adam, Mohamad; Fuadah, Luk Luk |
2019-01 | The effect of tax, tunneling incentive, bonus mechanisms, and firm size on transfer pricing (Indonesian evidence) | Nazihah, Afifah; Azwardi; Fuadah, Luk Luk |
2018-07 | The effects of the corporate’s characteristics on tax avoidance moderated by earnings management (Indonesian evidence) | Rani, Sasiska; Susetyo, Didik; Fuadah, Luk Luk |
2018-09 | Taxpayers’ perception of e-filing system in increasing behavior of annual reporting of tax return (Indonesian evidence) | Aliffiani, Tiwi; Syamsurijal; Fuadah, Luk Luk |