Browsing by Author Galdies, Charles

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Showing results 1 to 20 of 114  next >
Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)
20232021 superoutburst of the WZ Sge-type dwarf nova V627 Pegasi lacks an early superhump phaseTampo, Yusuke; Kato, Taichi; Kojiguchi, Naoto; Shugarov, Sergey Yu; Itoh, Hiroshi; Matsumoto, Katsura; Nakagawa, Momoka; Nishida, Yukitaka; Richmond, Michael; Shibata, Masaaki; Ito, Junpei; Kokhirova, Gulchehra; Rakhmatullaeva, Firuza; Tordai, Tamas; Kiyota, Seiichiro; Ruiz, Javier; Dubovsky, Pavol A; Medulka, Tomas; Pavlenko, Elena P; Antonyuk, Oksana I; Sosnovskij, Aleksei A; Baklanov, Aleksei V; Krushevska, Viktoriia; Vanmunster, Tonny; Brincat, Stephen; Petrik, Karol; Galdies, Charles; Hambsch, Franz-Josef; Maeda, Yutaka; Nogami, Daisaku
2022The adverse effect of ambient temperature on respiratory deaths in a high population density area : the case of MaltaJahan, Shafkat; Cauchi, John Paul; Galdies, Charles; England, Kathlleen; Wraith, Darren
2006Aerial remote sensing and spatial analysis of marine benthic habitats in St George’s Bay (Malta)Galdies, Charles; Borg, Joseph A.
2010Analysis of low level wind behaviour in Central and South East MaltaCabornero Gago, Rodrigo; Farrugia, Robert N.; Giordmaina, Lawrence; Galdies, Charles
2022An analysis of the impacts of climate on the agricultural sector in Malta : a climatological and agronomic studyGaldies, Charles; Meli, Anthony
2002Application of remote-sensing technology to the study of the spatial distribution of demersal resources and the influence of environmental factors in the central MediterraneanGaldies, Charles
2018Application of the Coastal Hazard Wheel to assess erosion on the Maltese coastMicallef, Stefan; Micallef, Anton; Galdies, Charles
2022Applied geomatics approach in the Maltese Islands : SpatialTrain IIFormosa, Saviour; Sciberras, Elaine; Galdies, Charles
2024Artificial intelligence and digital health twin applications in healthcare : a systematic reviewPawar, Bhushan; Prakash, Vijay; Garg, Lalit; Galdies, Charles; Buttigieg, Sandra; Calleja, Neville
2022Assessing the air quality derived from marine traffic in the central Mediterranean and MaltaPiscopo, Allen; Galdies, Charles; Gauci, Adam
2022Assessing the air quality derived from marine traffic in the Central Mediterranean and MaltaPiscopo, Allen; Galdies, Charles; Gauci, Adam
2019Awareness, knowledge and behaviour of the Maltese population in relation to the global solar ultraviolet index (UVI)Busuttil, Roderick; Galdies, Charles; Cacciottolo, Joseph M.
2021Brachytrupes megacephalus Lefèbvre, 1827 (Orthoptera, Gryllidae) in the Maltese Islands : notes on biogeography, behaviour, and habitat of populations in the central Mediterranean area and the MaghrebCassar, Louis F.; Conrad, Elisabeth; Galdies, Charles
2018Can 3D visualizations really convince small island coastal communities about the true risks of sea level rise?Attard, Claudia; Galdies, Charles; Conrad, Elisabeth
2019Carbon star CGCC 673 identified as a semi-regular variable starBrincat, Stephen M.; Galdies, Charles; Hills, Kevin
2019Choosing landscapes for protection : comparing expert and public views in Gozo, MaltaConrad, Elisabeth; Fazey, Ioan; Christie, Michael; Galdies, Charles
2018Climate changeGaldies, Charles
2016Climate change trends in Malta and related beliefs, concerns and attitudes toward adaptation among Gozitan farmersGaldies, Charles; Said, A.; Camilleri, Liberato; Caruana, Mary R.
2011The climate of Malta : statistics, trends and analysis 1951-2010Galdies, Charles
2012The climate of the Maltese IslandsGaldies, Charles