Browsing by Author Galea, Simone

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Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)
2020Alice in Wonderless landTeatru Malta; Galea, Marco; Galea, Simone; Bartolo, Simon; Buhagiar, Sean; Alden, Alexandra; Rame, Franca; Fo, Dario
2017Becoming maternal : a genealogy of teachers as mothers in MaltaGalea, Simone
2024-12[Book review] Bringing women to light. The task of women’s history. Discovering women’s history in MaltaGalea, Simone
2008Can the migrant speak? Voicing myself, voicing the otherGalea, Simone
2008Culturally responsive education in MaltaBartolo, Paul A.; Galea, Simone; Azzopardi, Andrew
2013Educating the migrant girl : a politics of differenceGalea, Simone
1996Emancipatory education and political actionGalea, Simone
2006Face to face with Emmanuela : reflections on the uses of the memoir in exploring the life story of a nineteenth century woman teacherGalea, Simone
2014Francis Ebejer's struggle with education : teachers and their students in postcolonial literatureGalea, Marco; Galea, Simone
2018[Gabra ta’ kitbiet : Lehen il-Malti, Ghadd 37] (2018). Fi spazju bla lqugh ; Holma bi tliet saffi ; Dijaspora ; Taht it-tinda ; Awtobijografija ; Toftoqni ; Illum halluni wahdi ; (Poezija bla isem) ; Is-sejha ta’ eros ; Kmamar b’katnazzi ; Newba ; Irrid nohlom bik xiha ; Ir-ragel tal-kastelli fl-ajru ; Il-mewt mhix sewda ; Rix ; Minghajrek ; L-istorbju tas-silenzju ; Il-mara r-rieqda ; Gnien sigriet ; (Poezija bla isem) ; Jum l-ghazla ; Funeral garrabt, go mohhiSeguna, Omar; Debono Cauchi, Andrew; Calleja, Miriam; Hili Vassallo, Sandra; Colombo, Stanley; Cassar, Priscilla; Casha, Charles; Attard, Eric; Azzopardi, Joseph; Pulis, Michela; Mifsud, Nadia; Bonello, Dorianne; Azzopardi, Kit; Galea, Simone; Pullicino, Matteo; Massa, Nicholas; Azzopardi, Gabriel; Grech, Elizabeth; Busuttil, Amanda; Scicluna, Ken; Schembri, Matthew; Dickinson, Elizabeth; Saliba, Kevin
2003A guide to the professional development portfolioPortelli, Terence; Cardona, Anton; Milton, Josephine; Galea, Simone; Bartolo, Paul; Chetcuti, Deborah A.; Grima, Grace; Spiteri, Doreen
2019How to avoid plagiarism : a resource pack for the students of the Faculty of EducationSpiteri, Doreen; Grima, Grace; Bartolo, Paul; Galea, Simone; Gatt, Suzanne; Gatt, Isabelle; Portelli, Terence
2007Lectures 9 : programs 12 and 13 : international Seminar on 'Captivating the real in narrative research'Department of Youth and Community Studies, Faculty of Education, University of Malta; Azzopardi, Andrew; Clark, Marilyn; Goodley, Danny; Goodley, Danny; Galea, Simone
1997Maltese teachers and the politics of engagementGalea, Simone
2017Mercy in the Maltese educational system : education practices to foster respect for diversity towards the migrant populationCalleja, Colin; Attard Tonna, Michelle; Galea, Simone; Grech, Michael; Pisani, Maria
2024Philosophy and poetic thinking in teacher educationGalea, Simone
2019A place called home. Women and philosophy of educationGalea, Simone
2022Poetic thinking and teachingGalea, Simone
2022Rethinking teaching : alternative ontologies of educational praxis and thoughtGalea, Simone; Rousell, David
2014The teacher, literature and the MediterraneanGalea, Simone; Grima, Adrian