Browsing by Author Grech, Victor E.

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Showing results 1 to 20 of 340  next >
Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)
20163 year old with chronic wet cough : Intralobar Bronchopulmonary sequestrationMicallef, S.P.; DeGiovanni, Joseph V.; Grech, Victor E.; Sammut, Patrick
2022The accuracy of antenatal ultrasound screening in Malta : a population-based studyBorg Myatt, Jeremy; Gatt, Miriam; Cordina, Mark; Grech, Victor E.; Attard Montalto, Simon
2022Accuracy of emergency weight estimation in Maltese school childrenTorpiano, Paul; Torpiano, K.; Sammut, Fiona; Zahra, J.; Aquilina, Susan; Grech, Victor E.
2005Acute modified Blalock-Taussing shunt obstruction successfully treated with urokinase and heparinMizzi, Joseph; Grech, Victor E.
2016Adult CHD patients under clinical follow-up have a similar quality of life to the general population in MaltaCaruana, Maryanne; Grech, Victor E.
2021Adverse reactions to Pfizer-BioNTech vaccination of healthcare workers at Malta's state hospitalCuschieri, Sarah; Borg, Michael Angelo; Agius, Stephen; Souness, Jorgen; Brincat, Andre; Grech, Victor E.
2011Alien infertility in science fiction : part 1Grech, Victor E.; Vassallo, Clare; Callus, Ivan
2011Alien infertility in science fiction : part 2Grech, Victor E.; Vassallo, Clare; Callus, Ivan
2011Alien infertility in science fiction : part 3Grech, Victor E.; Vassallo, Clare; Callus, Ivan
2018-07All that glitters...Grech, Victor E.
2003Amplatzer ASO device closure of secundum atrial septal defects and patent foramen ovaleGrech, Victor E.; Felice, Herbert; Fenech, Albert; DeGiovanni, Joseph V.
2004Amplatzer device closure of an inferior venosus atrial septal defect after surgical closure of a secundum atrial septal defectFalzon, A.; Grech, Victor E.; DeGiovanni, Joseph V.
2007Antenatal psychiatric morbidity in Maltese womenFelice, Ethel; Saliba, Joseph; Grech, Victor E.; Cox, John; Calleja, Neville
2000Antibiotic prophylaxis cards for bacterial endocarditisGrech, Victor E.
2011Anticoagulation services in Malta – an economic study comparing a central laboratory model vs. a point-of-care approachZammit, Gordon; Farrugia, Ryan; Barbara, Chris; Azzopardi, Lilian M.; Serracino-Inglott, Anthony; Zarb Adami, Maurice; Grech, Victor E.
2016Aortic stenting for neonatal coarctation of the aorta : when should this be considered?Bugeja, Justine; Cutajar, D.; Zahra, C.; Parascandalo, Raymond; Grech, Victor E.; De Giovanni, Joseph V.
2019The art and the science of healingGrech, Victor E.; Savona-Ventura, Charles; Cacciottolo, Joseph M.
2016Artificial intelligence in medicineScerri, Mariella; Grech, Victor E.
2023Artificial intelligence in medicine and research – the good, the bad and the uglyGrech, Victor E.; Cuschieri, Sarah; Eldawlatly, Abdelazeem A.
2022Assessing the impact of the four COVID-19 variants and the vaccine coverage on mortality in Malta over 2 years : an observational case studyCuschieri, Sarah; Grech, Stephan; Grech, Victor E.