Browsing by Author Pace, Anthony

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Showing results 1 to 19 of 19
Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)
1997The archaeology of collectivityPace, Anthony
2020Chapter 7 : cultural landscapes from 2000 BC onwardsStoddart, Simon; Pace, Anthony; Cutajar, Nathaniel; Vella, Nicholas C.; McLaughlin, Rowan; Malone, Caroline; Meneely, John; Trump, David
2000The conservation of Malta's megalithic temple sites : a technical experts' meeting convened by the Ministry of Education, MaltaPace, Anthony; Grima, Reuben
2007Cultural contacts and mobility between the south central Mediterranean and the Aegean during the second half of the 3rd millenium BCCazzella, Alberto; Pace, Anthony; Recchia, Giulia
2020ForewordPace, Anthony
2024Hsieb il-Patrimonju Kulturali : Programmes 1 - 13Xuereb, Karsten; Pace, Anthony
2022-07Il-Patrimonju UNESCO fil-Mediterran S1 : Programme 1 - 13Xuereb, Karsten; Pace, Anthony
1991Incorporating environmental education into the primary school curriculum : a teacher's manualVentura, Frank; Pace, Paul J.; Falzon, Desiree; Falzon, Victor; Micallef, Alfred; Pace, Anthony
2019Life and death in rural Malta : first results of the joint Belgo-Maltese survey project (2008-2009)Vella, Nicholas C.; Docter, Roald F.; Cutajar, Nathaniel; Bonanno, Anthony; Pace, Anthony; Anastasi, Maxine; Bechtold, Babette; De Dapper, Morgan; De Wulf, Alain; Goossens, Rudi; Maraoui Telmini, Boutheina; Nuttens, Timothy; Spiteri, Mevrick; Van de Put, Winfred; Verdonck, Lieven; Zerafa, Renata
1999-02MaltaPace, Anthony; Cutajar, Nathaniel
1997Malta Archaeological Review, Issue 2de Bono, Antony; Pace, Anthony; Archaeological Society Malta
2021-07Patrimonju Kulturali : Programmes 1-13Xuereb, Karsten; Pace, Anthony
1998Performance in ancient sites : a convergence of cultural valuesCremona, Vicki Ann; Pace, Anthony
2012Rural Malta : first results of the joint Belgo-Maltese survey projectVella, Nicholas C.; Cutajar, Nathaniel; Bonanno, Anthony; Pace, Anthony; Vella, Nicholas C.; Vella, Clive; Spiteri, Mevrick; Zerafa, Renata; Anastasi, Maxine; Docter, Roald F.; Bechtold, Babette; Dapper, Martin De; Dierkens, Guy; Wulf, Alain De; Garsallah, Soumaya; Goossens, Rudi; Maraoui Telmini, Boutheina; Nacef, Jihene; Nuttens, Timothy; Ruiz i Cano, Xavier; Stal, Cornelis; van de Put, Winfred; Verdonck, Lieven; Wood, John
2012Rural Malta : first results of the joint Belgo-Maltese survey projectDocter, Roald F.; Vella, Nicholas C.; Cutajar, Nathaniel; Bonanno, Anthony; Pace, Anthony; Anastasi, Maxine; Bechtold, Babette; Dapper, Martin De; Dierkens, Guy; Garsallah, Soumaya; Goossens, Rudi; Maraoui Telmini, Boutheina; Nacef, Jihene; Nuttens, Timothy; Ruiz i Cano, Xavier; Spiteri, Mevrick; Stal, Cornelis; Van de Put, Winfred; Vella, Clive; Verdonck, Lieven; Wood, John; Zerafa, Renata
2009Spatial and stratigraphic analysis of Tarxien Cemetery levelsCutajar, Nathaniel; Grima, Reuben; Pace, Anthony; Stoddart, Simon; Hardisty, Holly
2010St Paul in Malta and the shaping of a nation’s identity : introductionAzzopardi, John; Pace, Anthony
2012Utilising positive behaviour support instead of seclusion timeouts in persons with autismPace, Anthony
2012The Żejtun Villa and its ancient landscape - three new archaeological discoveriesPace, Anthony; Cutajar, Nathaniel; Spiteri, Bernardette Mercieca; Spiteri, Mevrick; Mifsud, Christian